intelligence officer

intelligence officer

intelligence officer 双语例句

1. The battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas L. Ridge, 35 and University of Illinois 1938, had been a naval attaché in Brazil for much of World War II but had reached the Pacific as an intelligence officer in time for Iwo Jima and Okinawa, where he was twice wounded.

intelligence officer的解释

2. CIA officer Claire Stenwick and MI6 agent Ray Koval have left the world of government intelligence to cash in on the highly profitable cold war raging between two rival multinational corporations.

intelligence officer的翻译

3. Following the handover of the Regional Intelligence Liaison Office for the Asia Pacific Region to the Japanese Customs Administration in January, the department seconded an officer to the RILO in Tokyo for two years to assist in its operation.

4. At a gathering of security specialists in New York City in January of 2006, David Harrison, the former Army military intelligence officer who was hired by Senser to head Wal-Mart`s analytical security research center, provided a rare glimpse into the company`s monitoring operations.

5. Agency spokesman Paul Gimigliano said an officer had been fired for having unauthorized contacts with the media and disclosing classified information to reporters, including details about intelligence operations.

intelligence officer的意思

6. A high-ranking intelligence officer has been sacked by the President and...

7. In front of me stood the essential tools of the intelligence officer's trade - a desk, two telephones, one scrambled for outside calls, and to one side a large green metal safe with an oversized combination lock on the front.

intelligence officer的翻译

8. In front of me stood the essential tools of the intelligence officer's trade-a desk, two telephones, one scrambled for outside calls, and to one side a large green metal safe with an oversized combination lock on the front.

9. In front of me stood the essential tools of the intelligence officer's trade-a desk, two telephones, one scrambled for outside calls, and to one side a large green meta l safe with an oversized combination lock on the front.

10. After the initial analysis an intelligence agent joked that hard copies should be printed and framed on the walls, to which the officer on duty emphatically agreed.

11. Afghan intelligence officials say they've arrested an army officer who's suspected of working for the Taliban.

12. A law officer appointed to assist an attorney general. Attorney General John Ashcroft and Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet.

13. Dan Geer, chief information security officer for In-Q-Tel, which invests in technology on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency, said the threat of cyber attack was so serious that companies should have to declare significant security failures.

intelligence officer

14. Since January 1999, the department has seconded an officer to the Regional Intelligence Liaison Office in Tokyo to assist in its operation.

15. The State Department will designate a senior officer to coordinate our diplomacy on issues related to technology and signals intelligence.

16. He served during peace-time as an intelligence officer in the Navy.

intelligence officer的翻译

17. In 1952, she married British intelligence officer Leon Comber and became a British citizen.

18. A Pakistani intelligence officer said: The compound was isolated from the rest of the world. There were no phone connections and no internet.

19. Also, a military court-martial is underway for Bradley Manning, a former US Army intelligence officer.

20. He was an officer it the abwehr, German military intelligence.

intelligence officer 单语例句

1. Such criticism was widespread after the March 2005 fatal shooting of an Italian intelligence officer at a checkpoint near Baghdad airport.

2. intelligence officer

2. " I think the war effort at this point is futile, " the retired school guidance counselor and former Army intelligence officer said.

3. Garlasco is a former intelligence specialist battle damage assessment officer for the Pentagon who has studied conflicts in Bosnia and Iraq.

4. The intelligence officer who survived the attack was forced to kneel in the road until the soldiers realized who he was.

5. intelligence officer

5. His military intelligence officer thinks the informant should be arrested for his ties to militants, but Chlebowski has decided to take his chances with the Afghan spy.

6. A National Security Intelligence Service officer told the Standard the letter probably never made it out of the office.

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7. A military intelligence officer confirmed to Xinhua the air strike and casualties.

8. Wednesday was the first time the channel showed someone it claimed was a Syrian intelligence officer.

9. That intelligence came from a single source, quoting an Iraqi military officer.

10. Colvin is now an intelligence officer at the Canadian embassy in Washington.