
intercessor [ˌɪntə'sesə]  [ˌɪntə'sesə] 

intercessor 基本解释


intercessor 网络解释


1. 仲裁者, 调解人:stammer 口吃, 结巴着说出, 结结巴巴地说 | intercessor 仲裁者, 调解人 | predecessor 前辈, 前任, (被取代的)原有事物

2. 仲裁者:intercession 调解 | intercessor 仲裁者 | intercessory 仲裁的

3. 调解员 调停者:intercession调解 调停 | intercessor调解员 调停者 | precede 优先 在前

4. 调解人仲裁人:intercession 仲裁调解 | intercessor 调解人;仲裁人 | intercessor 调解人仲裁人

intercessor 双语例句


1. And above all, it reminds me each day that Christ is the great Intercessor, and allows me to pray in His Name.

2. O my brother, take time, with the vision of the Lamb on the Throne before you, to give you boldness – take time in deepest humility and childlike faith, and with all the love of which your heart is capable, to worship Him as your Surety and Intercessor and great High Priest.

3. Pray for me Saint…, for with fervour I come to thee, speedy helper and intercessor for my soul.


4. Pray for me Saint …, for with fervour I come to thee, speedy helper and intercessor for my soul.

5. In His life on earth Christ began His work as Intercessor.

6. Thank You for our mighty intercessor, the Lord Jesus Christ.

7. Of what infinite importance is the place the intercessor holds in the Kingdom of God!

8. They express his concern and love, for as we have seen, Moses was a great intercessor on behalf of Israel.


9. I believe that Harcourt Talboys hugged himself upon the gloomy Roman grandeur of this speech, and that he would have liked to have worn a toga, and wrapped himself sternly in its folds, as he turned his back upon poor George's intercessor.

10. Conviction of sin fastened upon him; he saw himself, without an intercessor, in the presence of a holy and just Judge.

11. Pray for me Saint * (name), for with fervour I come to thee, speedy helper and intercessor for my soul.

12. When a child of God begins to get a real vision into the need of the Church and of the world, a vision of the Divine redemption which God has promised in the outpouring of His love into our hearts, a vision of the power of true intercession to bring down the heavenly blessing, a vision of the honour of being allowed as intercessors to take part in that work, it comes as a matter of course that he regards the work as the most heavenly thing upon earth—as intercessor to cry day and night to God for the revelation of His mighty power.

13. Christ is our Mediator, our Intercessor, our Advocate.

14. My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to god;


15. No intimate friend nor intercessor will the wrong-doers have, who could be listened to.

16. You will then realize the glory of your calling as intercessor, asking great things of God for those around you, for the Church, and for the whole heathen world.


17. Catholics pray to Mary as an intercessor.

18. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God, Where, as our High Priest, He fulfills the ministry of Representative, Intercessor and Advocate.


19. Gao emphasizes that what he does is not just simply apologizing for others, but mostly being like a intercessor to alleviate disputes.


20. To some degree, the art critics is the intercessor of the painting's value, and through some they can affect the collector's aesthetic conception and collection, which can affect the painting's market value in a direct or indirect way.

intercessor 英英释义


1. a negotiator who acts as a link between parties

    Synonym: mediator go-between intermediator intermediary