



intermediaries 基本解释
中间人,调解人( intermediary的名词复数 );
intermediaries 网络解释


1. 中介机构:更具体而言,市场的有效运转从根本上是基于中介机构(intermediaries)、管理框架(the regulatory framework)和法规体系(the judicial system)的有效性. 这些制度体系缺失或运转失灵会带来高昂的交易成本,企业集团为了填补这些制度空缺应运而生了(Khanna and Palepu,

2. 中间人:这些人不仅包括研究者、教师、大学生、社会工作者、激进主义者和文化中间人(intermediaries),还包括其他受过教育的、对社会调查和社会问题感兴趣的阶层(有几期卖到了20000册以上).

3. 中介:传输信道(Transport channels)用于支持特定的传输协议,如HTTP、TCP、UDP或MSMQ和拓扑结构,如点对点、使用中介(intermediaries)的端到端、对等、发布/订阅. 协议信道(Protocol channels)用于支持特定的QoS特性,如安全信道加密消息和增加安全头.

4. 旅游中介:Intergovernmental organizations 政府间组织 | Intermediaries 旅游中介 | International growth 国际增长

intermediaries 单语例句

1. intermediaries什么意思

1. Widespread losses among insurance brokerages and agencies were another major factor fuelling suspicion about the CIRC's intermediaries policies.

2. Russian customs regulation require legal documents about customs clearance but the practice of hiring intermediaries has not been banned by the government.

3. Song's services include thorough yearly medical examinations, a general health diagnosis every quarter and health improvement suggestions using clinical treatment intermediaries.

4. intermediaries的反义词

4. The insurance intermediaries are defined as insurance brokerage firms, insurance agencies and insurance survey and loss adjuster companies incorporated outside China.

5. Aircraft manufacturers usually act as intermediaries between airlines and the financing side when airlines try to get support from commercial banks for a purchase.

6. Ahmadinejad's aides said Stone had requested special access to the president after contacting his office through intermediaries in the Iranian film business.


7. But White believes the CPA must engage radicals through intermediaries with credibility.

8. But his statement adds credence to recent announcements by the Taliban that they are in peace talks with government intermediaries.

9. The consequences of the current conflicts will remain for a fairly long time to come, even if a ceasefire is brought about or brokered by international intermediaries.

10. Listing applicants say the waiting period is too long while brokerages and intermediaries saw their income declining as trade became thinner.