internal affairs

internal affairs

internal affairs 基本解释

internal affairs

内政; 内务; [法] 内部事务

internal affairs 网络解释

internal affairs是什么意思

1. <<流氓警察>:伊利亚.伍德的年纪虽小,却一直很幸运地和好莱坞大牌明星合作,如1990年参与李察.基尔(Richard Gere)所主演的<<流氓警察>>(Internal Affairs),而在1991年梅兰妮.格葛里菲斯(Melanie Griffith)和唐.约翰森(Don Johnson)情侣档合作的<<温馨赤子情>>(Paradise)中,

2. 内部事务:这集片名<<内部事务>>(Internal Affairs),格罗列(La Grenouille)的死终于浮出水面,NCIS整个团队也开始接受FBI的调查,詹尼(Jenny)则是头号疑犯. 另外ABC电视台的热门剧<<迷失>>第四季第9集在上周回归,虽然1208万的收视排名第17位很一般,

3. 内务部:申请新西兰公民,应向新西兰内务部(Internal Affairs)递交申请. 内务部与移民局是两个完全不同的相对独立的政府部门. 内务部对每个公民申请人都是建立独立个案并独立审核,没有主副申请人之分;比如说,夫妻在同一天申请公民,就是两份独立的申请,

internal affairs 单语例句

1. internal affairs的反义词

1. I wish to tell this lady that we are too busy with our own affairs to interfere in others'internal affairs.

2. Government over such an act of interfering with China's internal affairs and infringing upon China's sovereignty.

3. These indicate that the US government wants to interfere in China's internal affairs by supporting Xinjiang separatist activities in the name of NED.

4. internal affairs

4. Washington believes that its waning influence would weaken its capability to intervene in other countries'internal affairs and thus the new policy thrust.

5. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has published a new set of regulations governing charity foundations, which require regular financial reports and tighter internal management structures.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. He said raising the issue of Taiwan's representation in the United Nations constituted a violation of UN Charter and an interference in China's internal affairs.

7. internal affairs

7. Cheong rejected FIFA's claims that the association's election was undemocratic and the government interfered in its internal affairs.

8. All these pure internal affairs of religion will be handled by the Buddhist association or monastery administration organizations according to religious ritual and historical convention.

9. He said the Chinese Government and its people strongly condemn and firmly oppose such a gross encroachment on China's internal affairs.

10. China has slammed a US congressional report on human rights as interference in the internal affairs and urged Washington lawmakers to end their irresponsible remarks.