internal medicine

internal medicine [inˈtə:nəl ˈmedisin]  [ɪnˈtɚnəl ˈmɛdɪsɪn] 

internal medicine 基本解释


internal medicine 网络解释

1. 内科:以大内科(internal medicine)为例,在相继分出传染病科、神经内科、肿瘤内科后,再按解剖系统分为心血管内科、消化内科、呼吸内科、血液内科、肾内科、内分泌内科,有些大型的综合医院还有更细的分科(比如风湿免疫科、糖尿病科、高血压科).

2. 内科学:呼吸、心血管、消化、泌尿、血液、内分泌、神经等系统各自独立成章而又统属于系统解剖学之内,但在疾病分类中上述系统唯有神经系统疾病被排除在所有其他按系统命名的内科疾病之外,单独归为一类与内科学(internal medicine)并列的学科--神经病学(neurology),

3. 内科医学:早在1998年颇具声望的医学期刊<<内科医学>>(Internal Medicine)上曾发表过一项划时代的研究. 该项目中,88000名妇女在她们自1980年逃离癌症魔手之后的约15年间接受了研究的追访. 研究人员发现,每日至少补充400微克叶酸的女性,

4. 急诊内科:石膏室--plaster room | 急诊内科--internal medicine | 眼科急诊--ophthal mology emergency

internal medicine 单语例句

1. The doctor of internal medicine says he has shown tumor he has grown to scientists in Beijing and Shanghai.

2. David Baker, chief of general internal medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.

3. " We have admitted 138 patients poisoned by the toxic gas, " said a doctor with the internal medicine department at Kaixian County People's Hospital.

4. internal medicine什么意思

4. Children have accounted for one third of the patients at the departments of internal medicine.

5. It will deal with internal medicine and the treatment of heart and blood diseases.

6. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston report the findings in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

7. The findings were published in the August issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.

8. internal medicine

8. Those risks outweigh the potential benefits of preventing cancer, the task force said in Tuesday's issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

9. The findings were published in the June 17 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, published by the American College of Physicians.

10. The landmark findings were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine to be released today.

internal medicine 英英释义

internal medicine的翻译


1. the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and (nonsurgical) treatment of diseases of the internal organs (especially in adults)

    Synonym: general medicine