1. 交点:步骤5:在随后出现的对话框中将选择过滤器切换到交点(Intersection Point)模式,然后分别选择刚才划的2条中心线, 这时失效的尺寸已经正常显示了. 要将PDM建设成为企业知识管理的平台,在PDM的基础之上引入知识管理,这样,
2. 交叉点:interrupter 断续器 | intersection point 交叉点 | interstage cooler 中间冷却器
3. 交集点:intersection 逻辑乘法 | intersection point 交集点 | intersegment link 段间连接
4. 转交点:intersection angle 转角 | intersection point 转交点 | interstices 间隙
1. A cleaner found the baby wrapped in a plastic bag near the intersection of King's Road and North Point Road around 2 pm.
1. a point where lines intersect
Synonym: intersection point of intersection