
intussusception [ˌɪntəssə'sepʃən]  [ˌɪntəssə'sepʃən] 

intussusception 基本解释

名词肠套叠,肠内翻; 内填

intussusception 网络解释

1. 肠套叠:肠套叠(intussusception)是小儿外科常见的急腹症,是肠管的一部分及其相应的肠系膜套入邻近肠腔内的一种肠梗阻,在婴儿期尤其多见半岁至两岁间. 非手术整复小儿肠套叠的方法较多,常见的有生理盐水、钡剂和空气灌肠整复法,其整复效果也不一.

2. 套叠,肠套叠:肠套叠肠套叠( Intussusception )系一段肠管套入相邻...急性肠梗阻的症状. 早期诊治(灌肠或手术复位)则预后好. 疾病概述 肠套叠手术可分原发性和继发性两种,原发性肠套叠发生于无病理变化的肠管,多发...

3. 肠套迭:图5-40 绞窄性小肠梗阻的x线征象 1.假肿瘤征 2.肠袢呈咖啡豆征 图5-41 小肠扭转的平片表现(卧位) 1.空回肠换位征(↑示空肠,↓↓示回肠) 2.肠曲8字形排列 3.肠曲花瓣状排列 4.肠曲排列如一串香蕉 3.肠套迭(intussusception) 肠套迭是一段肠管

4. 套迭:intumescent cataract 膨大性内障 | intussusception 套迭 | intussusceptum 肠套迭套入部

intussusception 单语例句

1. It also said the vaccine's label would mention the cases of intussusception.

intussusception 英英释义


1. intussusception

1. (biology) growth in the surface area of a cell by the deposit of new particles between existing particles in the cell wall


2. the folding in of an outer layer so as to form a pocket in the surface

    e.g. the invagination of the blastula

    Synonym: invagination introversion infolding