
invaginate [ɪn'vædʒɪneɪt]  [ɪn'vædʒəˌneɪt] 







invaginate 基本解释



invaginate 网络解释

1. 收进鞘中:invader 侵略者 | invaginate 收进鞘中 | invalid cluster 无效簇

2. 胞膜内陷结构:鞘糖脂 glycosphingolipid | 胞膜内陷结构 invaginate | 窖蛋白 caveolin

3. 套进内部:invaginate 套进内部 | invagination 内陷 | invagination 套迭

4. 凹入:invadingwavesinestuary 河口入侵波 | invaginate 凹入 | invagination 凹入 内陷 反折 折入 套迭

invaginate 双语例句


1. To take within, as in telescoping one part of the intestine into another; invaginate.


2. A failure of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath to invaginate at the appropriate horizontal le-vel shed important light on the pathogenesis of taurodontism.

3. About 4 days post amputation, cells in some areas in the out epidermis and inner parietal peritoneum near the end of the stump are induced by injury to dedifferentiate into stem cells and then proliferate forming stem-cell masses, which then invaginate into the interior dermis. The dermal cells are then induced by those invaginating stem-cell masses to dedifferentiate.
    从第4 d起,近创伤处的表皮层和体腔上皮中部分细胞发生了脱分化形成了干细胞,并增殖形成了干细胞团,然后向真皮层内陷,并诱导真皮层组织发生脱分化,最终在残腕体壁的不同部位形成了众多干细胞原基,是进一步再生所需的细胞库。

4. The clathrin triskelions assenble into a basket-like convex framework that causes the membrane to invaginate clathrin-coated vesicles migrate into the cell where the clathrin coats are lost before delivering their contents to the lysosomes.

5. We use microsurgery vascular anastomosis technique, xenogenic scaffoldfrom vessel and xenogenic small vessels were anastomosed with parasitifer arteryby invaginate at proximal, end while the end to end anastomosis were perfomred in the distal end.

6. High-density material lying at the circumference of a proacrosomal vesicle was arched with a gap in Solen grandis, but round in Solen strictus. From this gap a proacrosomal vesicle of Solen grandis began to invaginate and deform while it moved to the nuclear front. However a proacrosomal vesicle of Solen strictus did not deform until it reached the nuclear front.


7. Lamina propria and muscularis mucosae have not yet invaginate in the epithelial lining which forms the fold or villus. Tunica adventitia contains many blood vessels.

invaginate 英英释义



1. invaginate在线翻译

1. fold inwards

    e.g. some organs can invaginate

    Synonym: introvert

2. invaginate的反义词

2. sheathe

    e.g. The chrysalis is invaginated