investment banker

investment banker [inˈvestmənt ˈbæŋkə]  [ɪnˈvɛstmənt ˈbæŋkɚ] 

investment banker 基本解释

investment banker什么意思


investment banker 网络解释

investment banker什么意思

1. 投资银行:<<银行平等竞争法(competitive equality banking act)>>特许商业银行合法从事承销有价证券之业务. 所谓承销证券,指投资银行(investment banker)购买新上市公司发行的有价证券,然後再以较高的价格,再转卖给一般股民,从中赚取利润.

2. 投资银行家:领先的商业新闻和资讯解决方案 连续第二年荣获「最佳内容聚合服务」(Best Content Aggregation Service) 科迪奖,去年秋天推出的专门内容/工作流程解决方案<<道钟斯投资银行家>>(Investment Banker) 则获得了「最佳线上专业金融

3. 投资银行,投资银行家:investment bank投資銀行 | investment banker投資銀行,投資銀行家 | investment banking投資銀行業務

4. 投资银行家;证券包销商:investment banker 投资银行家 | investment banker 投资银行家;证券包销商 | investment banking 投资银行业务

investment banker 单语例句

1. The author is chairman of The Kuhn Foundation, and an international corporate strategist and investment banker.

2. investment banker的翻译

2. One was a Somali refugee, the other an Argentine investment banker.

3. The Japanese investment banker says he is confident about China's economic growth.

4. The author is an American and Canadian investment banker, economist and energy expert.


5. The author is a Canadian and American investment banker, economist and energy expert currently in Beijing.

6. It is utmost important that the investment banker should be chosen with great precaution.

7. And Fang is now perhaps the most connected investment banker in China.

8. Davenport is married to Jon Leach, an investment banker who played college tennis at USC.

9. Fashionable owner Shauna Liu spent eight years as an investment banker in Hong Kong before returning to her hometown of Beijing.

10. Prior to that, he was an investment banker at Barrington Associates and Lehman Brothers.

investment banker 英英释义


1. a banker who deals chiefly in underwriting new securities

    Synonym: underwriter