
inveterate [ɪnˈvetərət]  [ɪnˈvɛtərɪt] 

inveterate 基本解释

形容词痼; (指人)有恶习的,成瘾的; (指习惯等)根深蒂固的

inveterate 网络解释

1. 根深蒂固的:veteran老兵 | inveterate根深蒂固的a | tadpole蝌蚪,frog青蛙

2. 根深的:inveteracy 根深蒂固 | inveterate 根深的 | inveterately 根深蒂固地

3. 积习难改的:investiture 任职仪式,授权仪式 | inveterate 积习难改的 | invidious 惹人反感的,招人嫉妒的

4. 绵延难治的 慢性顽固性的:investshellcastingmethod 熔模壳型铸造法 | inveterate 绵延难治的 慢性顽固性的 | inveteratehabit 痼习

inveterate 词典解释

1. inveterate的反义词

1. 积习不改的;上瘾的;根深蒂固的
    If you describe someone as, for example, an inveterate liar or smoker, you mean that they have lied or smoked for a long time and are not likely to stop doing it.

    e.g. inveterate gambler.
    e.g. ...the inveterate laziness of these boys.

inveterate 英英释义


1. habitual

    e.g. a chronic smoker

    Synonym: chronic


1. in a habitual and longstanding manner

    e.g. smoking chronically

    Synonym: chronically