
invigorate [ɪnˈvɪgəreɪt]  [ɪnˈvɪɡəˌret] 





invigorate 基本解释




名词鼓舞; 滋补

invigorate 网络解释

1. 鼓舞,使强壮,使充满生气:invest 投资,赋与 | invigorate 鼓舞,使强壮,使充满生气 | invoke 恳求

2. 鼓舞:intone 吟誦 | invigorate 鼓舞 | ingraft 接枝

3. 使充满生气与活力的,使强壮:convivial 友善,愉快的 | invigorate 使充满生气与活力的,使强壮 | revival 恢复,复兴,复活

4. (使)精力充沛:robust 强壮的 | invigorate (使)精力充沛 | timid 胆小的

invigorate 词典解释

1. invigorate的解释

1. 使精神振奋;使精力充沛;使活跃
    If something invigorates you, it makes you feel more energetic.

    e.g. Take a deep breath in to invigorate you.

She seemed invigorated, full of life and energy.

2. 激励;刺激;振兴
    To invigorate a situation or a process means to make it more efficient or more effective.

    e.g. ...the promise that they would invigorate the economy...
    e.g. The tactic could well help invigorate a struggling campaign.

invigorate 单语例句

1. It is necessary to transform traditional industries with high and new technology and advanced adaptive technology and invigorate the equipment manufacturing industry.

2. We should make extensive use of advanced adaptive technologies to transform traditional industries and invigorate our equipment manufacturing industry.


3. It is obvious that the US will participate in regional trade more energetically to invigorate its economy.

4. Sarkozy would loosen labor laws and cut taxes to invigorate the sluggish economy, while Royal would hike government spending and preserve the country's generous worker protections.

5. invigorate

5. That's the golden rule to invigorate a country's competitiveness in science and technology.

6. invigorate

6. Midland Property Group Executive Director Vincent Chan said lower mortgage rates would invigorate the property market.

7. invigorate在线翻译

7. The fourth is continuous implementation of the strategy to invigorate China, and boost its economic and social development.

8. The active participation of vast numbers of netizens in online information transmission and content creation has continued to invigorate its Internet.

9. In 1985, the State Council said China would invigorate the mechanical and electrical industries.

10. And the personnel changes agreed at Wednesday's meeting are expected to invigorate the committee as it works to enhance its lawmaking and supervisory capacity.

invigorate 英英释义


1. invigorate什么意思

1. impart vigor, strength, or vitality to

    e.g. Exercise is invigorating

    Synonym: reinvigorate

2. make lively

    e.g. let's liven up this room a bit

    Synonym: enliven liven liven up animate

3. give life or energy to

    e.g. The cold water invigorated him

    Synonym: quicken

4. invigorate的近义词

4. heighten or intensify

    e.g. These paintings exalt the imagination

    Synonym: inspire animate enliven exalt