
invoke [ɪnˈvəʊk]  [ɪnˈvoʊk] 







invoke 基本解释

及物动词乞灵,祈求; 提出或授引…以支持或证明; 召鬼; 借助

invoke 相关例句



1. It invoked memories of my childhood.

2. I invoked their forgiveness.

invoke 网络解释


1. 激活:2 而方法可以由方法调用(method call)来激活(invoke)以执行其他任务.据个例子: 老板(调用者)要求员工(被调用者)完成一项任务,而老板并不知道工人怎样完成任务,而工人中 组织者比如车间主任他接到任务后,

invoke 词典解释

1. 援用,援引(法律)
    If you invoke a law, you state that you are taking a particular action because that law allows or tells you to.

    e.g. The judge invoked an international law that protects refugees.

2. 引用,援引(原则、格言、名人)
    If you invoke something such as a principle, a saying, or a famous person, you refer to them in order to support your argument.

    e.g. He invoked memories of Britain's near-disastrous disarmament in the 1930s...
           他援引了英国 20 世纪 30 年代几近灾难性的裁军事件。
    e.g. In political matters George Washington went out of his way to avoid invoking the authority of Christ.

3. 引起,唤起,激发(感情或景象,许多人认为这种用法不正确)
    If something such as a piece of music invokes a feeling or an image, it causes someone to have the feeling or to see the image. Many people consider this use to be incorrect.

    e.g. The music invoked the wide open spaces of the prairies.

4. 向(神灵)祈求(帮助或宽恕)
    If someone invokes a god, they ask the god for help or forgiveness.

    e.g. The great magicians of old always invoked their gods with sacrifice.

invoke 单语例句

1. invoke

1. The shadow of July 23 lies too heavy across the tracks not to invoke second thoughts.

2. But the suing countries should notice that their actions might invoke a chain reaction contrary to their own measures.

3. The adjective " communist " may invoke fear and hysteria in some minds.

4. The new resolution would invoke Chapter VII of the UN Charter, making compliance mandatory and punishable by sanctions if violated.

5. Beijing will invoke harsher monitoring of online trade to counter an eruption of Internet fraud cases.

6. He was also forced to invoke executive privilege to avoid telling Congress what his role had been in a cull of federal prosecutors.

7. invoke的解释

7. Staff from New Picture hit back, saying Yu was cooking up a story to deliberately invoke hostility toward the Curse.

8. invoke的意思

8. Kowloon East hospital cluster will be the first to invoke the new measures.

9. " We will invoke the Internal Security Act to enforce security, " Abhisit told reporters.

10. The Legislative Council is expected to pass a motion today to invoke special statutory authority to probe the Lehman Brothers minibond saga.

invoke 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. request earnestly (something from somebody)
    ask for aid or protection

    e.g. appeal to somebody for help
           Invoke God in times of trouble

    Synonym: appeal

2. cite as an authority
    resort to

    e.g. He invoked the law that would save him
           I appealed to the law of 1900
           She invoked an ancient law

    Synonym: appeal


3. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic

    e.g. raise the specter of unemployment
           he conjured wild birds in the air
           call down the spirits from the mountain

    Synonym: raise conjure conjure up evoke stir call down arouse bring up put forward call forth