
irregulars [ɪ'regju:ləz]  [ɪ'regju:ləz] 



比较级:more irregular

最高级:most irregular

irregulars 基本解释
非正规军军人( irregular的名词复数 );
irregulars 网络解释

1. 等外品:1144irregularityn.不规则;不整齐 | 1145irregulars等外品 | 1146irrelevanta. 不恰当的,无关系的,不相干的

2. 不规则星系:Lenticulars 引力透镜 | Irregulars 不规则星系 | Survey 巡天

irregulars 单语例句

1. The terrain also makes for tough golfing country, although this has not discouraged the West Side Club irregulars.

2. " We believe them to be in the custody of the irregulars who coordinated the ambush, " Central Command Operations Officer Brig.