
jab [dʒæb]  [dʒæb] 







jab 基本解释


及物动词猛击; 猛刺; 猛碰

不及物动词猛击; 戳,刺

名词注射; 猛戳; 刺进; 猛碰

jab 网络解释

1. 刺拳:彼得 (Peter)跟 克里兹奇科(Klitschiko)兄弟彼得 (Peter)跟 克里兹奇科(Klitschiko)兄弟身高两百公分左右 刺拳(Jab)出色 右手直拳(Streight)或者抛拳(Swing)很重的拳手主导

2. 刺:AMA击退(Fend)技能攻击速度与IAS关系表(4楼)AMA戳刺(Jab)技能攻击速度与IAS关系表(5楼)PAL重击(Smite)技能攻击速度与IAS关系表(11楼)PAL热诚(Zeal)技能攻击速度与IAS关系表(12楼)AMA击退(Fend)技能攻击速度与IAS关系表AMA戳刺(Jab)技能攻击速度与IA

3. 戳刺:AMA击退(Fend)技能攻击速度与IAS关系表(4楼)AMA戳刺(Jab)技能攻击速度与IAS关系表(5楼)PAL重击(Smite)技能攻击速度与IAS关系表(11楼)PAL热诚(Zeal)技能攻击速度与IAS关系表(12楼)AMA击退(Fend)技能攻击速度与IAS关系表AMA

4. 日本:上海爱普公司有严格的产品质量管理体系,该体系已通过英国劳氏公司ISO-9001:2000认证,还分别获得美国(ANSI-RAB)、英国(UKAS)、日本(JAB)三国国家质量管理体系认可委员会的认可,保证了公司产品的优良和恒定.

5. jab:job analysis and billing; 作业分析与开列清单

jab 词典解释

1. 戳;刺;捅
    If you jab one thing into another, you push it there with a quick, sudden movement and with a lot of force.

    e.g. He saw her jab her thumb on a red button — a panic button...
    e.g. A needle was jabbed into the baby's arm...

2. 戳;捅;猛击
    A jab is a sudden, sharp punch.

    e.g. He was simply too powerful for his opponent, rocking him with a steady supply of left jabs.

3. 注射;接种;预防针
    A jab is an injection of something into your blood to prevent illness.

    e.g. ...painful anti malaria jabs.

4. 抨击;攻击
    You can refer to a sudden and unpleasant critical remark as a jab .

    e.g. They have been sniping at each other, with the Democrats taking jabs at the president's handling of foreign policy.

jab 单语例句

1. The repertoire of the couple - Jab plays the saxophone and his wife Dee sings - ranges from Nat King Cole to Motown.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. I couldn't throw a double jab and couldn't do anything that I usually do.

3. It was a subtle but direct jab at Clinton, who voted in 2002 to grant Bush authority to invade Iraq.

4. It wasn't his slickness, but I just couldn't throw more than a single jab.

5. Last week I was given a privileged opportunity by my employer to have the jab but I chickened out at the last moment.

6. jab的反义词

6. Taylor fired the verbal jab at Garnett in response to accusations Minnesota lost games to get a better entry draft pick.

7. jab什么意思

7. Xiao and Chen told police they had used wire to jab each other if sleep began to take hold.

8. The 10 boxers will earn handsome price money according to Jab Jab Promotions, a newly formed promotions company.

9. But the batch of vaccines from which he got the jab has been withdrawn as a precautionary measure.

10. jab的近义词

10. More than 68 million people on the mainland received the jab as of Monday.

jab 英英释义


1. the act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow

    e.g. she gave me a sharp dig in the ribs

    Synonym: dig

2. jab的近义词

2. a quick short straight punch

3. a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow)

    e.g. he warned me with a jab with his finger
           he made a thrusting motion with his fist

    Synonym: jabbing poke poking thrust thrusting


1. jab的意思

1. poke or thrust abruptly

    e.g. he jabbed his finger into her ribs

    Synonym: prod stab poke dig

2. stab or pierce

    e.g. he jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife

    Synonym: stab

3. strike or punch with quick and short blows