
jackfruit [ˈdʒækfru:t]  [ˈdʒækˌfrut] 

jackfruit 基本解释


jackfruit 网络解释

1. 波罗蜜:6、波罗蜜(Jackfruit)一种原产地印度的水果. 有厚软带棕黄色的表皮,肉甜,有很大的籽,煮熟后能食. 现在很多人也生吃. 1至5月收成. 7、枇杷果(Langsat)外皮金黄,果肉色白,味道甜中带酸,籽不能食. 7至10月收成,5至8月最多. 价格偏贵.

2. 木菠萝:木菠萝(jackfruit) 桑科木菠萝属常绿果树,乔木. 又名树菠萝、菠萝 Auth.). 木菠萝属中作为果树的还有果木菠萝(A.champeden(Lour.)Spreng.)、五美木菠萝(A.gomezima Wall.)、以及面包果(A.altilis Fosberg.)等约10个种. 这些种都可以互 ......

3. 菠萝蜜:牛肉变成深棕色. 注意开始时和起锅前半小时必须不停搅动以免粘锅. 还可加入未成熟的菠萝蜜(Jackfruit)或粉红豆(Pink Bean,类似芸豆,豆和豆荚呈红色带云纹). 吃时配米饭.

4. 榴莲:strawberry 草莓 | watermelon 西瓜 | Jackfruit 榴莲

jackfruit 单语例句

1. jackfruit

1. The supermarket said Sun made the mistake of tasting the jackfruit without approval.

2. The chops are especially good and it is a good idea to top it with fresh jackfruit.

jackfruit 英英释义


1. immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit
    it contains an edible pulp and nutritious seeds that are commonly roasted

    Synonym: jak jack

2. East Indian tree cultivated for its immense edible fruit and seeds

    Synonym: jackfruit tree Artocarpus heterophyllus