
jade [dʒeɪd]  [dʒed] 








jade 基本解释


名词玉,翡翠; 翡翠色; 劣马,驽马; [宝] 碧玉

形容词玉制的; 翡翠色的; 绿玉色的

动词(使)疲; (使)疲惫不堪; (使)精疲力尽

jade 情景对话


A:Hi, I’m Josephine Chen, the tour guide for the Jade Agency. We have a reservation of twenty rooms for tonight.
      嗨!我叫陈佐芬,是翡翠旅游公司的领队,我们订了20 个房间。

B:Please to meet you, Miss Chen. My name is Joey. Welcome to the hotel. Here are the keys, registration slips and breakfast vouchers. Breakfast will be served from seven tomorrow morning. Is there any change in your schedule?
      幸会,陈小姐,我叫祖儿,欢迎光临敝酒店。这是你们的房间钥匙、登记表及早餐券。早餐明早7 点供应。你们的行程有没有改变呢?

A:No, our check-out time will still be 8:30 tomorrow.
      没有,我们依然会在明早8 点半退房。

B:Then we will arrange a morning call at 7:30. Will that be fine?
      那么我把早晨唤醒服务安排在7 点半好吗?

A:That’s alright.

B:Please put your luggage outside your room by eight. The bellboy will pick them up.
      请告诉团友们早上8 点把行李放于房间外,我们的服务员会前来收集的。

A:Thank you.

B:Thank you very much. Hope you enjoy your stay.

jade 网络解释


1. 翡翠的:ilvl = 50,此公式生成的项链总是有三棱的(Prismatic)前缀(所有抗性 +16-20),并且有获得后缀的机率 1 魔法戒指 + 1 完美绿宝石 + 1 解毒药剂 = 1 翡翠的戒指 此公式的戒指总是有翡翠的(Jade)前缀(抗毒 +21-30%),

2. 玉石:直到该城市回应愿意通商之後,就赶快建造一个贸易场(Trading Posts),右键再按一下,选择售卖十二个陶瓷(Ceramic),另购买八个玉石(jade),之後在附近建造三四个玉雕所(Jade Carver's Studio)把它制成玉器,因为过关的要求是每年都能制造出四个.

jade 词典解释

1. 玉;碧玉;翡翠
    Jade is a hard stone, usually green in colour, that is used for making jewellery and ornaments.

2. 绿玉色;翠绿
    Something that is jade or jade green is bright green in colour.

jade 单语例句

1. It is danger by road from the Hot Spring to the Jade Screen Pavilion.

2. Jade is regarded by many as an eternal symbol of China's civilization.

3. jade的近义词

3. A lump of jade worth 27 million yuan that was lost in the back of a Beijing taxi has been recovered by police.

4. He then rushed into his study where he had placed dozens of valuable calligraphy scrolls, paintings and jade objects - all of which were kept intact.

5. Lufthansa holds a 25 per cent stake in Jade Cargo, the maximum share a single foreign carrier is allowed to hold in a Chinese airline.

6. jade

6. Romans were known to use diamond fragments set in iron as tools that were traded with China and used for carving jade or drilling pearls.

7. jade的近义词

7. Jade monkeys are selling well as many " people believe wearing jade can dispel evil, " said a cashier at the Yuyuan Garden Shopping Center.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. To cater for the growing demand for individually made jade products, Zhaoyi announced it would offer a customized haute couture service to customers from now on.

9. The porcelain pieces - including a celadon and jade plate on the shelf - add to the ancient surroundings.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The British Prime Minister recently led the tributes for TV " celebrity " Jade Goody, who lost her battle with cervical cancer at the tender age of 27.

jade 英英释义



1. an old or over-worked horse

    Synonym: hack nag plug

2. a light green color varying from bluish green to yellowish green

    Synonym: jade green

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. a woman adulterer

    Synonym: adulteress fornicatress hussy loose woman slut strumpet trollop

4. a semiprecious gemstone that takes a high polish
    is usually green but sometimes whitish
    consists of jadeite or nephrite

    Synonym: jadestone


1. jade

1. exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress

    e.g. We wore ourselves out on this hike

    Synonym: tire wear upon tire out wear weary wear out outwear wear down fag out fag fatigue

2. jade

2. lose interest or become bored with something or somebody

    e.g. I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food

    Synonym: tire pall weary fatigue


1. of something having the color of jade
    especially varying from bluish green to yellowish green

    Synonym: jade-green