
jagged [ˈdʒægɪd]  [ˈdʒæɡɪd] 







jagged 基本解释

形容词锯齿状的; 参差不齐的; 粗糙的


jagged 网络解释

1. 锯齿状的:判读肿瘤的边缘时,主要是分辨肿瘤与周边组织的分界是否清楚或规则,因此常以清楚的(sharp)、平滑的(smooth)、不清楚的(indistinct、fuzzy)、微小叶状、不规则的(irregular)、锯齿状的(jagged)、角状边缘(angulated margins)或针状突出

2. 交错的:iteration 迭代 | jagged 交错的 | Jet database engine Jet 数据库引擎

3. 锯齿形的:jagged hole 有毛刺孔眼 | jagged 锯齿形的 | jakmanizing 深度渗碳

4. 不平的:amiss:错误的 | jagged:不平的 | treacherous:叛逆的

jagged 词典解释

1. 凹凸不平的;锯齿状的;有尖突的
    Something that is jagged has a rough, uneven shape or edge with lots of sharp points.

    e.g. ...jagged black cliffs...
    e.g. A jagged scar runs through his lower lip.

jagged 单语例句

1. At the end of the lake is a deep canyon called Luya with sheer cliffs and jagged rocks on either side.

2. The second chamber shows us a scene which may exist in hell by a forest of overhanging strange and jagged stones.

3. The seat colors have been arranged to depict the jagged shards that feature in the design of the London 2012 graphics and logo.

4. Sitting in the gorge between two green mountains, there are numerous majestic waterfalls with thousands of jagged rocks.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. It is risky to find among the jagged rocks and peaks, as is evident by its high cost.

6. It's likely to break up as it bumps into other icebergs and jagged islands.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. But anthropological value aside, the paved park trail and jagged mountain peaks make for a scenic hike.

8. Ash from Alaska's volcanos is like a rock fragment with jagged edges and has been used as an industrial abrasive.

9. Nagel said the jagged boulder appeared to be about 10 feet wide.

10. The jagged front and sides form a boxy " V " shape, resembling the hull and sails of the Flying Dutchman's spectral ship.

jagged 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. having a sharply uneven surface or outline

    e.g. the jagged outline of the crags
           scraggy cliffs

    Synonym: jaggy scraggy

2. having an irregularly notched or toothed margin as though gnawed

    Synonym: erose jaggy notched toothed