jazz up

jazz up [dʒæz ʌp]  [dʒæz ʌp] 

jazz up 基本解释


jazz up 相关例句


1. We decided to jazz up our house for the Christmas party.

jazz up 网络解释

1. 活泼:jazz music 爵士乐 | jazz up 活泼 | jazz 爵士乐

2. 使变得有趣:jail bird 囚犯 | jazz up 使变得有趣 | jitter 紧张大师

3. 使东西更活泼:Jump the gun 在鸣枪前偷跑 | Jazz up 使东西更活泼 | Knight in shining 英雄

4. 使充满爵士音乐的情调;使活跃, 愉快; 使加速:and all that jazz 诸如此类的东西 | jazz up 使充满爵士音乐的情调;使活跃, 愉快; 使加速 | 447-jerk n.性情古怪的人, 急推, 猛拉, 肌肉抽搐, (生理)反射, 牛肉干

jazz up 词典解释

1. jazz up什么意思

1. 使更有趣;使更绚丽多彩;使更令人兴奋
    If you jazz something up, you make it look more interesting, colourful, or exciting.

    e.g. Mary Ann had made an effort at jazzing up the chilly modern interiors...
    e.g. I don't think they're just jazzing it up for the media.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 使更具流行音乐(或爵士乐)风格
    If someone jazzes up a piece of music, they change it in order to make it sound more like popular music or jazz.

    e.g. Instead of playing it in the traditional style, she jazzed it up...
    e.g. Stephen and I are going to jazz up the love songs...

jazz up 单语例句

1. Jones dribbled past the Jazz bench, then pulled up and got a shot off over Williams just before the buzzer.

2. jazz up的意思

2. The Jazz weren't about to let him get to the rim easily and wound up losing their temper as the foul calls mounted.

3. They stopped the Jazz only one more time the rest of the game, giving up dunks or layups on four straight possessions.

4. For Saturday and Sunday, the performances will revolve around " This is Halloween and Jazz Up Tonight ".

5. " I would get rid of the tie and jazz up the shirt, " she said.

6. jazz up的反义词

6. Jazz up the ensemble with a belt, and work your womanly silhouette.

7. jazz up的翻译

7. I just love a pair of simple earrings that can jazz up an entire outfit.

8. In addition to joining Lily in the best new artist category, jazz sensation Amy has picked up nominations in two further categories.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. Jazz coach Jerry Sloan concedes he doesn't have much up his defensive sleeves to counter Tracy McGrady's offense.

10. The Jazz had a chance to steal on Monday but China's giant center Yao came up big when it mattered.

jazz up 英英释义

jazz up


1. jazz up

1. make more interesting or lively

    e.g. juice up a party
           pep up your paper

    Synonym: juice up pep up ginger up