1. 时差反应:几乎每个人都有经验,当你遇到重大的压力(如考试或会议)、情绪上的激动(如兴奋或愤怒的事物)都可能会造成你当天晚上有失眠的困扰. 此外跨越多个时区的旅行,造成的时差反应(jet lag),也会对你到达目的地的前几晚睡眠有所影响.
2. 飞行时差:这现象称为飞行时差(jet lag). 飞行时差的一般征候是:身心疲倦,食欲不振,睡眠儿童最佳睡眠时间暂时失常. 飞行时差的困扰程度,因飞行方向而异;顺太阳方向(西行去欧洲)飞行时,飞行时差的困扰较少;逆太阳方向(东行去美洲)飞行时,
3. 飞行时差反应:这就是人会出现飞行时差反应(jet lag)的原因. 当你快速穿越几个时区后,你的身体可能处于不同的时区了,但你的体温节律却没有变. 褪黑素(Melatonin)是一种激素. 这种激素大部分由松果腺分泌,而少部分则在视网膜中产生. 褪黑素负责让你入睡,
1. Golovin said she still felt a bit of jet lag after winning the first set, having only arrived in Western Australia state capital a day before the match.
2. Perhaps he is using some of his " method acting " to overcome jet lag.
3. Other reasons cited for popping pills were focusing on a specific task, and counteracting jet lag.
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. fatigue and sleep disturbance resulting from disruption of the body's normal circadian rhythm as a result of jet travel