1. 噴注:近年来喷注(Jetting)工艺在不断地开发和改进之中,而喷注的速度,点的大小,精度以及对过程的控制是喷注方法获得成功的关键. 未来的电子制造要求更精细的点距、更小的焊膏体积、甚至不平整的表面,可能需要锡膏沉积的替代技术.
2. 喷流:浇口位置与喷流(Jetting)的关系 浇口若能布置成冲击型浇口 -- 也就是使得进浇后的塑胶熔体立刻冲击到一阻挡物(如型腔壁,芯型销等),让塑流稳定下来,就可以减少喷流的机率.
3. 水力喷射:jettied construction 悬挑式建筑 | jetting 水力喷射 | jetting gear 水力开齿机
4. 水力冲采:jettapping 爆破出铁 氧气开口法 | jetting 水力冲采 | jettingdrilling 水力钻眼
1. I fell hard, watching the Korean throwing an apologetic smile toward me before jetting away.
2. The Republican president took part in a private fundraiser and met judges whose nominations are being held up in Congress before jetting to the midwest.
3. The actor has been active to say the least in the last few weeks, jetting to Germany and motorcycling around town.
4. She is jetting in, attending a party and leaving in the time it takes most people to unpack.
1. propelled violently in a usually narrow stream