
jittery [ˈdʒɪtəri]  ['dʒɪtərɪ] 




jittery 基本解释


jittery 网络解释

1. 神经紧张:05年10月14日,白宫记者招待会上,有人问白宫发言人:最近的事情是否叫白宫手忙脚乱神经紧张( jittery)总统也心神不宁绷着一个弦?发言人东绕西绕净说白宫及总统忙于国际国内重大事务,连禽流感都很紧迫逼人,至于紧张不紧张,

2. 抖动:41 Inverting 反相 | 42 jittery 抖动 | 43 Junction 结点

3. 神经过敏的:jitters 神经过敏 | jittery 神经过敏的 | jiujitsu 柔道

4. 发抖:41 inverting 反相 | 42 jittery 发抖 | 43 junction 结点

jittery 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 紧张不安的;举止慌张的
    If someone is jittery, they feel nervous or are behaving nervously.

    e.g. International investors have become jittery about the country's economy.

jittery 单语例句

1. Rice faces a jittery Congress seeking specifics about the United States'path to success in Iraq in her first Capitol Hill appearance in eight months.

2. That puts the Fed under pressure to cut rates further and to do more to calm jittery markets.

3. They added that Beijing is faced with a dilemma as it has little option but to keep buying US bonds to calm jittery markets.

4. jittery的解释

4. But this market has virtually dried up as investors have become too jittery to buy paper for longer than overnight or a couple of days.

5. They do get jittery from time to time for reasons that may seem irrational to a trained economist or professional analyst.

6. jittery

6. This first step will go some way to ease jittery nerves, of both students and their guardians.

7. They do get jittery from time to time for reasons that may seem irrational to an economist or professional analyst.

8. In the advanced economies, a fragile recovery and jittery markets only contribute to uncertainty.

9. The incident comes at a jittery time for the airline industry, with a string of flight cancellations and delays hitting Heathrow particularly badly.

10. China's chief banking regulator Shang Fulin soothed a jittery market on Saturday, saying there is more than " sufficient " liquidity in the interbank market.

jittery 英英释义



1. being in a tense state

    Synonym: edgy high-strung highly strung jumpy nervy overstrung restive uptight

2. characterized by jerky movements

    e.g. a jittery ride