
jokester ['dʒəʊkstə(r)]  ['dʒoʊkstə] 

jokester 基本解释
jokester 网络解释

1. 玩笑者:jokesmith 爱说笑话者 | jokester 玩笑者 | jokey 开玩笑的

2. 恶作剧者:joker /诙谐者/家伙/取巧/ | jokester /恶作剧者/ | joking /戏谑的/开玩笑的/

jokester 双语例句

1. However, that's not to imply that you're simply a jokester.

2. My brother, he's a real jokester.

3. I`m fun, easy to get along with, kind of a jokester a little bit.


4. Okay, Ron, which jokester changed the key on me?

5. He's a jokester, our undercover jokester.

6. As a self-described jokester, he hopes to introduce some humor onto the set.
    作为一种自我描述的jokester ,他希望引进一些幽默上设置。

7. In the intervening years he became something of a jokester and goofball.

8. Had I been making the decision, the jokester would have been taken to the colonel's office, put at attention against the wall and screamed at until he sweated a shadow.

9. Jokester scientists build robots which can breathe fire and shoot lasers from their eyes. It is evident a task force had to be formed of members who take being at the top of the food chain seriously.

jokester 英英释义


1. a person who enjoys telling or playing jokes

    Synonym: joker