
jokingly [ˈdʒəʊkɪŋli]  [ˈdʒoʊkɪŋli] 

jokingly 基本解释


jokingly 网络解释

1. 开玩笑地, 打趣地:dicepattern 简单几何花纹 | jokingly 开玩笑地, 打趣地 | solder wire extruder 焊条挤压机

2. 开玩笑地:joking 戏谑的 | jokingly 开玩笑地 | jokul 雪山

3. 打趣地:joker 诙谐者 | jokingly 打趣地 | jokingsportive 戏谑的

4. 开玩笑的:stock exchange证券交易所 | jokingly开玩笑的 | vivid生动的

jokingly 词典解释

1. jokingly是什么意思

1. 开玩笑地;闹着玩地;戏谑地
    If you say or do something jokingly, you say or do it with the intention of amusing someone, rather than with any serious meaning or intention.

    e.g. Sarah jokingly called her 'my monster'...
    e.g. She frowned at him, only half-jokingly.

jokingly 单语例句

1. Tributes flowed from political opponents who lauded Chretien's devotion to Canada and his political instincts and jokingly lamented his string of successes at their expense.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The author even jokingly compares himself with Catcher in the Rye protagonist Holden Caulfield, who had appeared as a character in earlier short stories.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. A netizen jokingly commented why not change the name of " primary schools " to " universities ".

4. Robert looked dapper as he walked the red carpet, where he jokingly presented Tina with a rose.

5. He told XM radio the pairing was " David and Goliath, " and jokingly referred to Woods as the underdog.

6. And there was Clinton, laughing with gusto every time Obama jokingly mocked rival John McCain.

7. " I was the only one willing to marry him, " Liu says half jokingly.

8. Zhang jokingly says that before that, he knew nothing about the American legal system.

9. He then amused himself by showing the pet other notes and jokingly telling the pooch how to use the cash.

10. Somebody in the crowd jokingly told Arroyo that he was known around town by the infamous nickname.

jokingly 英英释义



1. not seriously

    e.g. I meant it facetiously

    Synonym: facetiously tongue-in-cheek

2. jokingly的解释

2. in jest

    e.g. I asked him jokingly whether he thought he could drive the Calcutta-Peshawar express

    Synonym: jestingly