
jostle [ˈdʒɒsl]  [ˈdʒɑ:sl] 






jostle 基本解释

及物动词贴近; 推挤,撞; 使激动; 与…竞争,争夺

不及物动词推挤; 竞争,争夺

名词拥挤; 推撞

jostle 相关例句


1. Don't jostle against me.

2. The candidates jostled each other to win the election.

3. We were jostled by the crowd.


1. Don't jostle against me!

jostle 网络解释


1. 竞争:joking relationship 戏谑关系 | jostle 竞争 | journal 杂志

2. 挤:josser 家伙 | jostle 挤 | jostler 推挤的人

3. 拥挤:premiere 首次登台 | jostle 拥挤 | registrar 书记员,登记员

4. 推撞;拥挤;碰撞;竞争;上下活动钻具:josen 晶蜡石 | jostle 推撞;拥挤;碰撞;竞争;上下活动钻具 | jot 一点;草草地记下;少许

jostle 词典解释

1. jostle是什么意思

1. (在人群中)挤,推,推搡
    If people jostle you, they bump against you or push you in a way that annoys you, usually because you are in a crowd and they are trying to get past you.

    e.g. You get 2,000 people jostling each other and bumping into furniture...
    e.g. We spent an hour jostling with the crowds as we did our shopping...

2. 争抢,争夺(关注、奖赏等)
    If people or things are jostling for something such as attention or a reward, they are competing with other people or things in order to get it.

    e.g. ...the contenders who have been jostling for the top job...
    e.g. There is a wide spread of stories jostling for coverage on today's front pages.

jostle 单语例句

1. jostle

1. Boats routinely jostle for position during crab catching season, and three deadly naval clashes since 1999 have taken a few dozen lives.

2. The Iranian restaurant in Frankfurt has made headlines nationwide, and television news crews jostle with customers to report on the phenomenon.

3. jostle

3. People jostle each other in a crowd in a park on 2005 National Holiday Golden Week.

4. Passengers jostle each other as they struggle to book new flights at Baiyun airport on May 7 after a storm grounded all planes.

5. Many Chinese energy companies are also in a weak position to jostle for global resources, as they were slow in entering the race.

6. And pamphlets with bleached faces jostle for counter space at local department stores.

7. Protesters tried to jostle Chen at the airport on Monday before he was escorted to a black limousine.

8. jostle在线翻译

8. People jostle on the concrete dance floor for a space nearest the stage.


9. Many worshippers jostle along the route, trying to touch the blessed Thangka.

10. " The street is so narrow that people jostle with one another to get past, " Zhou said.

jostle 英英释义


1. the act of jostling (forcing your way by pushing)

    Synonym: jostling


1. come into rough contact with while moving

    e.g. The passengers jostled each other in the overcrowded train

    Synonym: shove

2. make one's way by jostling, pushing, or shoving

    e.g. We had to jostle our way to the front of the platform