
journal [ˈdʒɜ:nl]  [ˈdʒɜ:rnl] 


journal 基本解释

名词日报,日志,日记; 定期刊物,期刊,杂志; [会计]分类账

journal 相关例句


1. Father keeps a journal of his activities.

2. Professor King often contributes to the medical journal.

journal 网络解释

1. 轴颈:燃效方面,除优化了发动机点火时间外,还通过降低凸轮轴轴颈(Journal)表面粗糙度来减少磨擦阻力等方法,在10.15模式下实现了18.0km/L的燃效. Airwave的发动机室内部与飞度相比,前方留有更大的空间. 之所以采用这一设计,

2. 期刊:出版年(Publication Year)等.高级检索界面(图3)是OVID系统默认的检索界面,当用户进入时,如不选择检索方式(Mode)则直接进入该界面.共分为四个区:上区为检索图标,共有10个.分别为著者(Author),篇名词(Title),期刊(Journal),检索字段(Search Fields),

3. 日报:在1896年至1898年期间,普利策卷入了一场与威廉伦道夫赫斯特(William Randolph Hearst)领导的<<日报>>(Journal)的激烈发行大战. 两报几乎无节制地刊登耸人听闻或是胡编乱造的新闻报道. 在古巴人反对西班牙人的统治中,

4. 日记帐:日记帐(journal)是一种原始分录簿(book of original entry)它根据原始凭证,按时间顺序,依次记录每一项交易与事项,所以它又被称为日记簿. 普通日记帐(general journal)可用于记录任何类型的交易与事项,具有格式方便等特点.

journal 词典解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. (尤指某专门学科的)杂志,刊物
    A journal is a magazine, especially one that deals with a specialized subject.

    e.g. All our results are published in scientific journals.

2. 日报,周报,…报(常用于报纸名称中)
    A journal is a daily or weekly newspaper. The word journal is often used in the name of the paper.

    e.g. He was a newspaperman for The New York Times and some other journals.
    e.g. ...The Wall Street Journal.

3. 日记;日志
    A journal is an account which you write of your daily activities.

    e.g. Sara confided to her journal...
    e.g. On the plane he wrote in his journal.

journal 单语例句

1. PetroChina will develop its own coalbed methane business after quitting the firm, the China Securities Journal this month cited industry sources as saying.

2. Miller is trying to raise money to buy out Yahoo, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

3. journal的翻译

3. The cost of buying ad space in every global daily paper, weekly trade journal or monthly car magazine is prohibitive.

4. journal是什么意思

4. Wu's opinion was then contributed to and published in the Wall Street Journal in October under the byline of " Dee Woo ".

5. Data on the new elements will appear in the journal Physical Review C, a publication of the American Physical Society that specializes in nuclear structure.

6. Cai had to spend hours a day searching databases his journal subscribes to in order to identify plagiarism or copyright infringements.

7. The finds have been published online in the British medical journal Carcinogenesis.

8. The findings were presented Monday at the cardiology college's conference in Florida and published online by the British medical journal Lancet.

9. Attacks were more likely on weekday evenings and weekends, according to data published in the American Journal of Cardiology.

10. Results were reported Sunday at the American College of Cardiology conference and published online by the New England Journal of Medicine.

journal 英英释义


1. the part of the axle contained by a bearing

2. a record book as a physical object


3. a daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations

    Synonym: diary

4. a periodical dedicated to a particular subject

    e.g. he reads the medical journals

5. a ledger in which transactions have been recorded as they occurred

    Synonym: daybook