judicial authority

judicial authority [dʒu:ˈdiʃəl ɔ:ˈθɔriti]  [dʒuˈdɪʃəl əˈθɔrɪti] 

judicial authority 基本解释

judicial authority


judicial authority 网络解释

1. 司法机关:Judicial Assistance 司法协助 | judicial authority 司法机关 | Judicial Jurisdiction 司法管辖权

2. 司法主管当局:司法制度 (-:-) judicial system | 司法主管当局 (-:-) judicial authority | 私法 (-:-) private law

3. 司法当局; 司法权:judicial attachment;扣押;; | judicial authority;司法当局; 司法权;; | Judicial Commission of Inquiry;司法调查委员会;;

4. 司法当局:司法程序文件 judicial process | 司法当局 judicial authority | 司法资格 judicial qualifications

judicial authority 单语例句

1. The state security court operated outside the ordinary judicial system and prosecuted suspects considered a threat to the government's authority.

2. judicial authority的意思

2. On the other hand, the IMF won't delegate its judicial authority to member states.

3. The verdict was later approved by the Supreme Council for Justice, the highest judicial authority in Iraq.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. It added that Qiu has been handed over to the judicial authority to face criminal charges.

5. The judicial election committee is the only body with the authority to set the election date.

6. " Amending laws is unfavorable to defending the authority of judicial decisions, " he said.

7. judicial authority

7. Justice Michael Hartmann made the order when he ruled against the authority in a judicial review over the issue that ended yesterday.

8. The standoff underscores the often unclear lines of authority in Iraq and is another blow to Iraq's beleaguered judicial system.

9. The authority must invite more supervision from society, such as the media and other powerful organs like the people's congress and judicial authorities.

10. Shen urged courts to disclose information on major issues in a timely fashion, so as to avoid public suspicion and damage to judicial authority.