jump at

jump at [dʒʌmp æt]  [dʒʌmp æt] 

jump at 基本解释


jump at 相关例句



1. I'd jump at the chance to visit America with you.

jump at 网络解释

1. 急忙接受,立即抓住:judging by 从...判断 | jump at 急忙接受,立即抓住 | jump off 开始,开始进攻

2. 看到......时紧张、吃惊、喜悦而跃起:judge of对......作评价 | jump at看到......时紧张、吃惊、喜悦而跃起 | jump for为(因)......而跳跃

3. 争取:Jump down your throat 责骂你 | Jump at 争取 | Just what the doctor order 正是所需的

jump at 单语例句

1. jump at的近义词

1. Sun Xuecheng sits on the top of a crane at a construction site in Nanjing, threatening to jump as his former neighbours try to calm him down.

2. Huge energy subsidies at the state budget has been criticized as one of the burden for Indonesia to jump to investment grade.

3. After the Four Continents he trained only every other day, and on some training days he couldn't even jump at all.

4. We had Felix Baumgartner jump from a vessel at the edge of the Earth's atmosphere.

5. This terrifying glance at the dam's toe several stories below made me revaluate my plans to jump.

6. jump at是什么意思

6. At the 1992 Barcelona Games she won another heptathlon gold and took a bronze in the long jump.

7. At just a hair over 43 centimeters tall, the miniature horse is more inclined to walk under fences than jump over them.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. He would quickly jump in through unlocked passenger doors and force them at knifepoint to drive somewhere secluded where he would rob them.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The country's only individual medal was a silver won by Silvio Cator in the men's long jump at the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. But in reality, the sum is so meager no musician would jump at the opportunity.