jump up

jump up [dʒʌmp ʌp]  [dʒʌmp ʌp] 

jump up 基本解释
jump up 网络解释

1. 跳起来:那要看您的狗狗的扑人行为是单纯的跳起来(Jump up),还是混合骑乘的行为(Mounting)了. 问题在於,有很多的人,无论何时何地,见到人就要扑人,在人类的角度上看来,会让人感到不悦,特别是大型犬,扑到人的身上时,那种力道是您无法想像的,

2. 跳:然后就朝这个方向跳(jump up)就可以进入了. tree爬上垂柳,运气要好,不行就多爬几次. 之前要到桃源村弄到鱼杆,然后就可以钓鱼(fishing)了. 运气好的话,你会注意到桥头雪白的石头上似tree爬上垂柳,运气要好,不行就多爬几次.

3. 跳起:22.put on 穿上 take off 脱下 | 23.jump up 跳起 | 24.be ready to do sth 淮备做某事

4. 上投断层:jump transfer 转移 | jump up 上投断层 | jump zone 跃变带

jump up 单语例句

1. Washington - The Bush administration has come up with a plan to help strapped homeowners facing a daunting jump in their monthly mortgage payments.

2. But after China embraced market economy, housing prices are supposed to jump up like a spring that had been depressed forcibly.

3. The cheapened dollar will cause a sudden jump in the US inflation, which forces the Fed to jack up interest rates.

4. The US grain price jump may also result in rising prices for stock feed, but it is unlikely to drive up the domestic price of pork immediately.

5. But the jump still failed to make up for the drop in physical sales, which companies blame largely on rampant online music piracy.

6. The tragedy should make the country's economic regulators jump up and take notice.

7. jump up

7. On the way up, people can feed monkeys that jump off the trees to take peanuts from their hands.

8. The spending figure represents a 50 percent jump from the $ 99 billion package that Prime Minister Taro Aso had ordered up on Monday.

9. Three spacewalks will be conducted beginning Thursday to hook everything up and get a jump on the next shuttle flight.

10. The fact is that when they get up, other passengers think they are just getting off and jump on the seat.