
jumping ['dʒʌmpɪŋ]  ['dʒʌmpɪŋ] 







jumping 基本解释


动词跳( jump的现在分词 ); 跳过; 快速移动; (因吃惊、害怕或激动而)猛地一动

jumping 情景对话

Bungee Jumping-(蹦极跳)

A:Hi, John, how was your vacation?

B:Awesome, we went to Australia and New Zealand.

A:That must have been wonderful. Do anything interesting?

B:Well, we went bungee jumping when we were in Australia.

A:Wow! Isn’t that dangerous?

B:A little, but the rush was worth it.

A:Tell me about it.

B:We jumped off a bridge and fell 500 feet before the bungee cord caught us.

A:500 feet! I would never be able to do that.

B:Yeah, It was scary, but exhilarating.


A:How may I help you?

B:Well, I’m going to travel next month and would like to buy some travel insurance. Can I do that here?

A:Yes, you can. Where are you going?

B:I’m going to Thailand.

A:Will you participating in any extreme sports like bungee jumping or cliff diving?

B:I hope to. Why?

A:Not all of your policies cover accidents caused by these types of activities.

B:Oh, well, I would like something to cover that.
      哦, 那我想要一份涵盖此类事故的保单。

A:We have different packages depending on the amount of coverage you’d like. Have you looked over our brochure?

B:Not yet.

A:Why don’t you take a look? Make sure you read about all the conditions carefully.


A:You’ll also need to decide how long you’d like the travel insurance for. We have daily, monthly, and yearly policies.

B:I’ll just need it for one month.

A:When you’ve finished reading the brochures, you can fill out this form. If you have any questions at that time, come back and I’ll answer them for you.

B:Thanks for your help.

jumping 网络解释

1. 跳跃:到美国后,就完全转而研究生物,在加州理工生物,跳跃(Jumping)及推挤(Squash)等不同技巧来达到选殖的目的,进行过程碰到很多趣是离子穿透通道的性质研究,他一开始使用一些动物毒素蛋白(Chorgdotoxin)与离子K+ channel),

2. 障碍赛:奥运马术比赛大致可分为盛装舞步赛(Dressage)、障碍赛(Jumping)和三项赛(Eventing). 叶少康参赛项目为盛装舞步赛,盛装舞步赛较著重骑师与马匹的默契. 叶少康说:「要与马匹做出一些美观的动作,就要靠骑师与马匹有多少默契.

jumping 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. In addition to jumping on the stage during the press call, he hurled himself up after the concert ended.

2. Insurance firms now can directly invest 10 percent of their capital in the stock market, jumping from the 5 percent compared to last year.

3. The Carnival features 43 rides including a giant ferris wheel for anyone craving a sedate view and bungee jumping for anyone who isn't.

4. jumping的翻译

4. The incident took place about 10 pm after a cat was seen jumping on to a voltage changer.

5. The class uses weights and body bars for toning, and jumping jacks to get the heart going.

6. Another member of the public needed rescuing when he was left clinging to a cliff after jumping over a wall to avoid the bulls.

7. jumping的近义词

7. A university student who tried to commit suicide by jumping off a building was arrested after he landed on a female student and killed her.

8. The 10 most common examples of bad behavior included setting up street stalls, spitting and throwing garbage on the street and queue jumping.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. " It gives the impression of'jumping to a conclusion', " Lee said.

10. Four little frogs jumping and dancing on their arms to the renowned tune of four little swans brought great amusement and admiration from the floor.

jumping 英英释义



1. the act of jumping
    propelling yourself off the ground

    e.g. he advanced in a series of jumps
           the jumping was unexpected

    Synonym: jump

2. the act of participating in an athletic competition in which you must jump