just deserts

just deserts

just deserts 双语例句

1. Deserts expanded by hundreds of kilometers annually, and the dust storms of April and May are now a recognised Beijing season, just like spring and autumn.


2. The bad boy got his just deserts in the end.

3. At the end of the book the child's true identity is discovered, and the bad guys get their just deserts.

4. The German authorities were wrong to try to pin the blame on Spanish farmers. But there was something more to the subsequent backlash a sense in the commentary of other Europeans that " sanctimonious " Germany was getting its just deserts.

just deserts在线翻译

5. He was fined for shoplifting but only received his just deserts.

6. But scientists have only just discovered a new species of elephant shrew or round-eared sengi - in the remote deserts of south western Africa.

just deserts在线翻译

7. I've got no sympathy for him, it was no more than his just deserts.

just deserts什么意思

8. The German authorities were wrong to try to pin the blame on Spanish farmers. But there was something more to the subsequent backlash a sense in the commentary of other Europeans that " sanctimonious " Germany was getting its just deserts.

just deserts 单语例句

1. " We cannot just sit and wait to be swallowed up by deserts and drought, " Wang said emotionally.