keel over

keel over [ki:l ˈəuvə]  [kil ˈovɚ] 

keel over 基本解释

身体失去平衡而倒下, (使)晕倒

keel over 网络解释


1. 倾覆:keel boat 内河运货船 | keel over 倾覆 | keel 龙骨

2. 船底朝天:keel metacenter 稳心至龙骨距离 | keel over 船底朝天 | keel piece 龙骨框底部

3. 昏倒:know a lot if people in high place 认识达官显贵 | keel over 昏倒 | keep my finger cross 祈求好运

4. 倒下:扫地 sweep the floor | 倒下 fall over; fall down; collapse; drop; fall ; keel over | 睡觉 to sleep; go to bed

keel over 词典解释

1. (因疲劳或生病而)倒下,瘫倒
    If someone keels over, they collapse because they are tired or ill.

    e.g. He then keeled over and fell flat on his back.

keel over 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. The fish is officially banned for fear that diners may keel over after the meal because of careless cooks.

2. Fearing he might actually keel over from the effort, we hurriedly dug out our money and bought the cans.

3. But then, you may take just one sniff and keel over.

keel over 英英释义



1. keel over的近义词

1. turn over and fall

    e.g. the man had a heart attack and keeled over