keep going

keep going [ki:p ˈgəʊɪŋ]  [kip ˈɡoɪŋ] 

keep going 基本解释
keep going 网络解释

keep going的解释

1. 继续:Sir, there is a potentially fatal buildup of ice occurring.|外表很可能会严重结冰 | Keep going!|继续! | Higher!|再高点!

2. 继续干:02.07 Don't litter!别乱扔垃圾! | 02.08 Keep going ! --继续干! | 02.09 You dig youself a hole.--你这是自取其咎.

3. 你走吧:孩子 my sweet, | 你走吧 keep going | 前面的路 the road ahead

keep going 单语例句

1. These measures are necessary to give the people enough buying power to keep the economy going.

2. Is it China's fault that we are on a fiscally unsustained path, critically dependent on capital inflow to keep the economy going?

3. In ancient times going out after dark was actively discouraged in order to instill temperate habits in the populace and keep them from harm.

4. Woods played his chip up the slope and watched it trickle down, begging from his knees for it to keep going.

5. The municipal government has taken measures to keep its water circulation going since 2003.

6. keep going在线翻译

6. He gagged from inhaling water, then clung to a rocky outcropping to keep from going under.

7. Its simplicity was a selling point, as was its ability to keep going in the severe cold.

8. So prices at the pump will probably keep going up no matter what happens to the benchmark price of crude oil.

9. He said this election is a start, and the democratization of Syria will keep going forward.

10. He said he heard another person shouting to him to keep advancing because the plane was going to explode.

keep going 英英释义


1. be a regular customer or client of

    e.g. We patronize this store
           Our sponsor kept our art studio going for as long as he could

    Synonym: patronize patronise patronage support

2. suffice for a period between two points

    e.g. This money will keep us going for another year

    Synonym: tide over bridge over

3. keep going的解释

3. continue uninterrupted

    e.g. The disease will run on unchecked
           The party kept going until 4 A.M.

    Synonym: run on