
keynote [ˈki:nəʊt]  [ˈki:noʊt]






keynote 基本解释

名词主旨,基调; <音>主音

及物动词给…定基调; 说明基本政策

不及物动词作主旨发言; 〈美〉在(会议等场合)发表施政方针

keynote 相关例句



1. The mayor will keynote the convention.

2. He keynoted the educators' worries.

3. The governor will keynote the convention.


1. The keynote of his speech was that we need peace.

2. World peace was the keynote of his speech.

keynote 网络解释

1. 基调:@ 基调(Keynote)演讲嘉宾不超过两位,需与大会主席沟通审议主题,先到先得;顶级赞助商还可推荐一位大会演讲人或主持人;会议期间官方支持晚会(Party)机会仅有两次,赞助方案另议,先到先得.

2. 主音:在1991年加入纽约时报的工作行列之前,曾是<<高传真>>(High Fidelity)、<<作品>>(Opus)、<<主音>>(Keynote)等古典音乐杂志的重量级主笔,同时也曾担任<<纽约观察家报>>的音乐评论员.

3. 主旨:包括:数据挖掘,机器学习,人工智能,认知科学,儿童教育,思维方法以及这些技术在互联网、商业等不同领域的应用. 他在国际顶级学术会议和期刊上发表100余篇论文,并在国际大会上做了有关思维策略的主旨(Keynote)报告.

4. 基调公司:26.JMT 今日爵士公司 | 27.Keynote 基调公司 | 28.Limelight 灰光灯公司

keynote 词典解释

1. keynote在线翻译

1. (政策、讲话或想法的)要旨,主题,基调
    The keynote of a policy, speech, or idea is the main theme of it or the part of it that is emphasized the most.

    e.g. He would be setting out his plans for the party in a keynote speech...
    e.g. Responsibility and moderation were to be the keynotes of their foreign policy.

keynote 单语例句

1. Hu hailed the campaign implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development as " effective " while delivering the keynote speech at a conference that marked the campaign's conclusion.

2. keynote的翻译

2. Li is scheduled to deliver a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the forum on Monday.

3. The Chinese premier will deliver a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the forum, according to the conference agenda.

4. Soong and Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Jia Qinglin will deliver keynote speeches this morning.

5. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao presided over the rally, during which President Hu Jintao is to deliver a keynote speech.

6. Deputy Mayor Sun De received the awards on behalf on Zhaoqing and made a keynote speech at the following forum.


7. He will deliver a keynote address at the National University of Singapore for the launching of Business China Eminent Speakers'Series this afternoon.

8. Increasing farmers'incomes was the keynote of the 2004 No 1 central document, while consolidating the nation's agricultural foundations is the theme of this year's.

9. " Housing prices this year have increased fairly fast in Shanghai, " Han said in his keynote speech at the forum.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. " Mainland enterprises listed in Hong Kong have grown in number and significance, " Chow said in his keynote speech.

keynote 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. a fundamental or central idea

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. (music) the first note of a diatonic scale

    Synonym: tonic

3. the principal theme in a speech or literary work


1. set the keynote of

    e.g. Comfort keynotes this designer's Fall collection

2. give the keynote address to (an audience)