kick about

kick about [kik əˈbaut]  [kɪk əˈbaʊt] 

kick about 基本解释
kick about 网络解释


1. 反抗:kick a habit 戒除某习惯 | kick about 反抗 | kick against the pricks 以卵击石

2. 被闲置于;到处游荡;非正式讨论:2843kickn. 踢,反冲,后座力; v. 踢,反抗,反冲 | 2844kick about被闲置于;到处游荡;非正式讨论 | 2845kick off开始,开球

kick about 单语例句

1. As parents worry about teenagers'addiction to Internet, commercial training classes have cropped up providing services to help kick the habit.

2. Village Voice columnist Michael Musto appears in a documentary about the history of gay Americans that will kick off Logo's programming on Thursday.

3. How about giving " oil sticks " with soy milk a whirl to kick start your day?


4. Lakers spokesman John Black confirmed that the team and the city will kick in about $ 1 million apiece for the party.

5. kick about

5. The competitions will kick off on Friday at the Changping Stadium, about 40 kilometers north of the city of Beijing.

6. But he refused to give a timetable for the business to kick off, saying he has not been authorized to start talks about the issue.

7. The promotion came as the London Olympic Games are about to kick off in less than a week.

8. kick about

8. The children learned about soccer ahead of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup, which will kick off on June 11.

9. He was very excited about martial arts and was a kick boxer.

kick about 英英释义


1. be around
    be alive or active

    e.g. Does the old man still kick around?

    Synonym: kick around knock about