kick the clouds

kick the clouds

kick the clouds 基本解释
kick the clouds 网络解释


1. 被绞死:kick sb. upstairs 把某人明升暗降 | kick the clouds 被绞死kic | kick up 踢起(灰尘 激起; 引起(骚乱等) 急剧提高汽油辛烷值

kick the clouds 双语例句

1. He thinkswe can kill him with just a flick of our fingers, or just lift our littletoe and kick him into the clouds:when we breathe out it'S likerain.

2. While giving staff all the help they need to kick the habit, it says, companies should provide a smoking area away from the entrance so that staff and visitors do not need to walk through clouds of smoke.

3. In the clouds (=have one's head in the cloud) kick the clouds on a cloud under a cloud under cloud of night up in the clouds wait till the clouds roll by cloud nine cloud seven n.

4. If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. in the clouds (=have one's head in the cloud) kick the clouds on a cloud under a cloud under cloud of night up in the clouds wait till the clouds roll by cloud nine cloud seven n.
    小丑,粗鲁愚蠢的人在云层中;虚无飘渺想入非非;不落实,不现实被绞死兴高采烈,满心欢喜失宠;受嫌疑;遭白眼;处困境;不悦,有心事趁夜色脱离实际,不切实际等乌云散开,等时机到来狂喜,极乐的心境狂喜,极乐的心境 One cloud is enough to eclipse all the sun 片云足以遮全日。