kick upstairs

kick upstairs [kik ˌʌpˈstɛəz]  [kɪk ˈʌpˈstɛrz] 

kick upstairs 基本解释

kick upstairs的翻译


kick upstairs 网络解释

1. 明升暗降:kickback:回扣,佣金 | kick upstairs:明升暗降 | ★towards prep. 朝,向

2. 使明升暗降:right-hand man 得力助手 | kick upstairs 使明升暗降 | get booted 被赶出

3. 把某人踢到樓上去,表面上是讓他居高位,但實際上是為了自己的利益:We made our bed, we sleep in it. 我們自己闖的禍,我們自己擔. | kick upstairs 把某人踢到樓上去,表面上是讓他居高位,但實際上是為了自己的利益 | trickle 涓絹細流

kick upstairs 双语例句

1. Kick sb. upstairs
    踢起; 激起;引起骚乱等

2. They decided to kick him upstairs and appointed a younger man to take his place.

3. They decided to kick him upstairs and appoint a younger man to take his place.

4. The board of trustees decided to kick the president of the company upstairs.

kick upstairs在线翻译

5. The only way for us to get rid of old Smith is to kick him upstairs; then we'll be able to appoint Brown

6. When they tried to kick Mr Dangeard upstairs to be non-executive chairman, he chose to resign instead.

7. Kick upstairs To promote to a higher yet less desirable position.

kick upstairs

8. Definitely, the new position is not a good place for you to take. The tricks are no more than kick your upstairs, send you to the location and department you don`t like or find someone to spy you everyday.

kick upstairs的意思

9. However, the word that uses beautiful in-house public figure will tell, li Dong comes vice president of group of home appliance of this transfer refrigeration, this belongs to kick upstairs.

kick upstairs的反义词

10. The only way for us to get rid of old Smith is to kick him upstairs; then we'll be able to appoint Brown As the range dropped to four thousand, the option to surface was dimming.

11. We kick China out of the house on a dark Monday, two days after Christmas, while the children are asleep upstairs.

kick upstairs 英英释义



1. kick upstairs的翻译

1. give a promotion to or assign to a higher position

    e.g. John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired
           Women tend not to advance in the major law firms
           I got promoted after many years of hard work

    Synonym: promote upgrade advance raise elevate