第三人称复数:killer whales
1. 虎鲸:跨周调制(PSM)作为一种新的调制模式,具有响应速度快,轻负载转换效率高等优点,已在小功率单片IC中得到广泛应用,但PSM模式的非线性离散映射模型未见报道.虎鲸 目录.分类 .基本数据 .外型特征 .分布 .习性 .食性 .现状 虎鲸(Killer Whale)英文中有时称之为O
2. 杀人鲸:杀人鲸(Killer Whale)又称「虎鲸」,是一种大型齿鲸,体型巨大身长约为八至十米,背部为黑色腹部是白色,其背鳍弯曲长达一米,嘴巴细长,牙齿锋利,性情凶猛,是食肉动物,是企鹅、海豹等的天敌.
3. 虎鲸;逆戟鲸:keyboard instrument 键盘乐器 | killer whale 虎鲸;逆戟鲸 | know better 明事理;有头脑
1. Workers sent by a local government agency wrap the mutilated body of a false killer whale up on a beach in Taitung County yesterday morning.
2. A killer whale believed to be Luna died in Nootka Sound in 2006 when it was hit by the propeller of a large tugboat.
3. The Oregon aquarium was the home of Keiko, the killer whale that starred in the 1993 film " Free Willy ".
1. predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin
common in cold seas
Synonym: killer orca grampus sea wolf Orcinus orca