
killing [ˈkɪlɪŋ]  [ˈkɪlɪŋ] 



killing 基本解释

名词谋杀,杀人; 猎物; 暴利

形容词致死的,致命的; 令人精疲力尽的


动词杀死( kill的现在分词); 使停止[结束,失败]; 破坏,减弱,抵消; 使痛苦,使受折磨

killing 相关词组

1. make a killing : 赢得大笔钱(获得最大成功);

killing 网络解释


1. 杀戮:之后更透过亲友的资助拍成第一部长片<<敌后袭击战>>(Fear And Desire),五五年自筹资金拍成一部黑色电影<<杀手之吻>>(Killers Kiss),五六年开始他第一部好莱坞片<<杀戮>>(Killing),开始受人注目.

killing 词典解释

1. killing的解释

1. 杀害;谋杀
    A killing is an act of deliberately killing a person.

    e.g. This is a brutal killing.

2. 发大财;获取暴利
    If you make a killing, you make a large profit very quickly and easily.

    e.g. They have made a killing on the deal.

killing 单语例句

1. A man has been arrested for spiking a business lunch with rat poison, killing four people and leaving eight sick.

2. Britain's secretary of state for international development called the killing a " callous and cowardly act " and said Williams was in Afghanistan to help ease poverty.

3. The announcement of the killing of the three Turks came after police said they had found three bodies by a road north of Baghdad.

4. Another car bomb exploded in Kirkuk as the governor's convoy was passing by, killing a bystander and wounding 14 people.

5. A car bomb exploded in Kirkuk as the governor's convoy was passing, killing a bystander and wounding 14 people.

6. killing的翻译

6. One of the largest involved a coronary care nurse who was convicted in 1984 for killing of 12 elderly patients in California.

7. Police said that at half past nine that night, its hotline had received a call about the killing.

8. Ivory Coast warplanes had earlier executed a devastating raid on a French army camp killing the nine men and wounding 23 others.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The murder charges were based on state law allowing capital punishment for the killing of more than one person within three years.

10. killing什么意思

10. The bridge collapsed on June 15 after a cargo vessel struck it, killing nine people.

killing 英英释义


1. the act of terminating a life

    Synonym: kill putting to death

2. an event that causes someone to die

    Synonym: violent death

3. a very large profit

    Synonym: cleanup


1. very funny

    e.g. a killing joke
           sidesplitting antics

    Synonym: sidesplitting