
kindergartens ['kɪndəɡɑ:tnz]  ['kɪndəɡɑ:tnz] 


kindergartens 基本解释
幼儿园( kindergarten的名词复数 );学前班;
kindergartens 网络解释


1. 幼 稚 园:从2007年7月1日起,新西兰政府为参加早期儿童教育的机构如幼稚园 (Kindergartens)、日托中心(day care),家庭式幼儿保育(home-based services)和毛利语幼稚园的三岁和四岁儿童提供每周20小时的免费早期儿童教育.

2. 幼儿园:选择三:幼儿园(Kindergartens)幼儿园类似教育和照顾中心,但主要对象是3至5岁的幼儿,所有老师都有早期教育注册证书. 幼儿园经常被指责不能适合双职工家长的要求,幼儿园则指出因为要求越来越高,老师需要更多的准备. 许多幼儿园入园供不应求,

3. 幼稚园教育:931300 小 教育 Primary schools | 9314 幼稚园教育 Kindergartens | 931400 幼稚园教育 Kindergartens

kindergartens 单语例句

1. Competition to get admitted to kindergartens is getting fiercer by the day.

2. kindergartens

2. The most carefree Chinese children I have seen were those attending kindergartens, but even at kindergartens these children cannot spend too much time playing and enjoying themselves.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Only by specifying the amounts that different government departments have to contribute can the problem of resource shortage be solved and rising kindergartens fees checked.

4. Speaking at a press conference after delivering his first Policy Address on Wednesday, the Chief Executive said a study of how best to fund kindergartens is essential.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Hong Kong ordered kindergartens to close Wednesday along with schools for mentally handicapped children.

6. Injuries such as burns are also common in kindergartens, said a Ministry of Health statement.

7. All kindergartens have established disease prevention and control systems in line with official requirements.

8. Raising children today is an expensive proposition for most young parents in China, who worry about saving for kindergartens that cost even more than a college tuition.

9. kindergartens的意思

9. But the regulation will not specify " standard charges " that can be imposed by kindergartens, since the cost of maintaining such schools varies from region to region.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Other problems cited in the survey were the current short supply of kindergartens and the high cost of putting children into such schools.