1. Judy was deeply touched by this display of honesty and kindness and mailed Liu a post card from Huangshan Mountain to express her gratitude.
2. Her kindness was noticed by Chinese premier Wen Jiabao, who praised her at the closing ceremony of the Expo.
3. His kindness was recently rewarded when his son was accepted to study computer science at the prestigious Wuhan University of Science and Technology.
4. Kindness and correctness are seen in the behavior of many ordinary individuals that visitors encounter in China.
5. As the creator of the Harry Potter books sees it, her kindness to fans might come back to haunt her.
6. When talking about similar centres overseas, she said she was impressed by the devotion and kindness of their staff workers.
7. She doesn't do things out of the kindness of her heart.
8. kindness of是什么意思
8. Help will surely multiply in her life if she learns to recognize every bit of kindness.
9. People in the poll were asked to what extent they would reciprocate an act of kindness or in contrast pay back an insult.
10. Let us remember that the world abounds with many other examples of human kindness, friendship and fellowship.