1. 电视显像管:magnetoscope 验磁器 | kinescope 电视显像管 | to programme 制作节目(美作:to program)
2. 显象管:kinemometer 流速计;灵敏转速计 | kinescope 显象管 | kinetheodolite 机动式经纬仪
3. 显像管:成新率 newness rate | 监事 supervisor | kinescope 显像管
4. 电子显像管:kinescope 显象管 | kinescope 电子显像管 | kinescoperecorder 屏幕录像机
1. Zhan said the restructured company would start work on a suspended colour kinescope project as soon as possible and put it into operation in 2003.
1. a cathode-ray tube in a television receiver
translates the received signal into a picture on a luminescent screen
Synonym: picture tube television tube