king crab

king crab [kiŋ kræb]  [kɪŋ kræb] 

king crab 基本解释
king crab 网络解释

king crab

1. 皇帝蟹:出发前,我还特地带了治拉肚子的药,充分准备这次海鲜美食之旅.开玩笑,谁 不知阿拉斯加是美国海岸线最长的一州,渔业发达,阿拉斯加鱼油,阿拉斯加皇帝蟹( King Crab),阿拉斯加三文鱼等等.每天我们还不得鱼鱼虾虾,吃他几顿结结实实的 海鲜.一想到这,

2. 鲎:古广翅鲎是一种节肢动物,它是现代鲎(king crab)的远古祖先,生活在志留纪时代的海中. 博泰石灰岩(Bertie limestone)位于离罗切斯特不远处,是众所周知出产古广翅鲎的地方,我计划到夏天时到那儿去采集. 采集化石是一个令人愉快的和有趣的业余爱好(hobby).

3. 克拉勃王:エースロボット 艾斯机器人 Ace Robot | キングクラブ 克拉勃王 King Crab | カウラ 卡奥拉 Cowra

4. 鳕场蟹:killer whale 倒戟鲸 | king crab 鳕场蟹 | kingdom; arena 界

king crab 单语例句

1. king crab的反义词

1. Sample the Boston lobster, king crab as well as a marvelous array of sashimi and seafood.

2. Steamed Alaskan king crab with Shaoxing yellow rice wine was a tasty winner.

3. Savor mouthfuls of king prawns and scallops wrapped in zucchini and basil, and sips of crab bisque with sea urchin and caviar cream.

4. Put the salad at the bottom of the plate, then the Alaska king crab pieces.

king crab 英英释义



1. large marine arthropod of the Atlantic coast of North America having a domed carapace that is shaped like a horseshoe and a stiff pointed tail
    a living fossil related to the wood louse

    Synonym: horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus Xiphosurus polyphemus


2. large edible crab of northern Pacific waters especially along the coasts of Alaska and Japan

    Synonym: Alaska crab Alaskan king crab Alaska king crab Paralithodes camtschatica

3. king crab的近义词

3. a large spider crab of Europe

    Synonym: European spider crab Maja squinado

4. meat of large cold-water crab
    mainly leg meat

    Synonym: Alaska king crab Alaskan king crab Alaska crab