
kirk [kɜ:k]  [kɜ:rk] 


kirk 基本解释



kirk 网络解释

1. 柯克:盖特纳部长、骆家辉(Locke)部长、柯克(Kirk)大使、伯南克(Bernanke)主席以及我们经济团队的其他成员将就我们如何促进全球经济的平衡进行更深入的讨论,为美中两国人民创造进一步的更大繁荣.

2. 科克:道格拉斯的父亲科克 (Kirk)曾在影片上映数年前不成功的舞台版中﹐扮演尼科尔森(Jack Nicholson)在影片中所演的主角麦克默菲(Randle P. McMurphy). 亨特说﹐影碟对电影的制作过程也有非常好的介绍﹐还有一些有趣的删节镜头.

3. 苏格兰教会:起因在于新教改革(Protestant Reformation),当时苏格兰教会(Kirk)认为圣诞节作为天主教(Popish or Catholic)的节日,理应被禁止. 很多苏格兰人必须在圣诞节工作,新年也就理所当然地成为他们的冬至节日,这时家庭和亲友团聚,

kirk 词典解释

1. 教堂
    A kirk is a church.

    e.g. ...the eighteenth-century kirk across the road.

2. 苏格兰教会
    The Kirk is the Church of Scotland, the main Protestant church in Scotland.

    e.g. ...ministers of the Kirk.

kirk 单语例句

1. It was only the second maximum clearance in Masters history, with Kirk Stevens the last player to have achieved the difficult feat 23 years ago.

2. kirk的近义词

2. This combo shows Billionaire investor Kirk Kerkorian stands in front of a Ford car.

3. Hershey spokesman Kirk Saville said the company would have no comment beyond the statement.

4. kirk

4. An Ohio coroner says Columbus Crew midfielder Kirk Urso died of a genetic defect of the heart and the death was considered natural.

5. " We have to go through a very deliberative process, " US Trade Representative Ron Kirk said recently.

6. kirk是什么意思

6. That is near the $ 31 a share offer made by billionaire investor Kirk Kerkorian for 28 million GM shares.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. Kirk Gibson pumped his fist at Chase Field, celebrating while the crowd chanted his name.

8. Shakira won favorite Latin artist, and Kirk Franklin captured the award for contemporary inspirational music.

9. Kirk Erickson suggests moderate walking may grow the brain region related to memory and increase the nerve growth factor.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. There had been recent speculation about Kirk's position in the current negative economic climate.

kirk 英英释义



1. a Scottish church