
knucklehead [ˈnʌklhed]  ['nʌklhed] 

knucklehead 基本解释
knucklehead 相关例句



1. On her honeymoon she realized she had married a knucklehead.

knucklehead 网络解释


1. 蠢人:knucklebone 指关节骨 | knucklehead 蠢人 | knuckleheaded 愚笨无知的

2. 笨拙的人:jerk,愚笨的人(指未经世故、行动古怪的人 | knucklehead,笨拙的人. | 1st paper 纸

3. 美式如何骂人傻瓜:美式粗鲁称呼男性用词:b.o boy | 美式如何骂人傻瓜:knucklehead | 美式再说一遍:can you run that by me agian?

4. <美> 蠢人 傻瓜:expell 驱逐 开除 | knucklehead <美> 蠢人 傻瓜 | hoodlum 强盗 无赖 阿飞 恶棍 流氓

knucklehead 双语例句

1. Knucklehead left us his autograph.


2. A knucklehead move to go ahead with this soiree.

3. You knucklehead! How could you have mixed the dog food with the cereal?

4. You a knucklehead? You brought another one?


5. I'm sorry ifthis knucklehead scared you.

6. You knucklehead! Can't you do anything right?
    你这傻 瓜!你不能做对一件事吗?

7. Not really. he's kind of a knucklehead.


8. On her honeymoon she realize she have marry a knucklehead

9. You don't need to listen to that knucklehead.

10. What sort of knucklehead uses a word like obfuscating?

11. I'm just kidding, you little knucklehead.


12. I'm very disappointed in you, knucklehead.

13. Get out of here, you knucklehead!

14. What a knucklehead.- Yeah, well, I think it's a plane.


15. No, you're not a knucklehead.
      不 你不是蠢蛋

knucklehead 单语例句


1. Just don't be a master in one and a knucklehead in all others.

knucklehead 英英释义


1. a stupid person
    these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence

    Synonym: dunce dunderhead numskull blockhead bonehead lunkhead hammerhead loggerhead muttonhead shithead dumbass fuckhead