1. 实验室:并为我们的合作深感荣幸. The future is now.EHSY Lab将一如既往地注重客户及合作伙伴的感受,稳舰务实、执着于服务与品质,与尊敬的客户及合作伙伴共赢. 企业:上海西域机电系统有限公司 实验室(LAB)供应集团
2. 直链烷基苯:直链烷基苯(LAB)市场调研报告 第一章、直链烷基苯(LAB)概况 1 1.1 直链烷基苯(LAB)的基本概况 2 1.2 直链烷基苯(LAB)理化性质及质量标准 4 第二章、直链烷基苯(LAB)的生产工艺及技术进展 6 2.1 直链烷基苯(LAB)主要生产方法
3. 研究室:进入游戏,每个关卡能盖的塔种类都不一样,共通点是都只能提昇三次等级,要升级成进阶塔必须先从研究室(Lab)花费技术点(Skill Points)研究想要的科技.
4. 实验:亚威CCIE实验室又有一名学员通过CCIE考试,在9月xx日参加实验(Lab)考试. 亚威CCIE实验室又出一名CCIE,在9月x日参加实验(Lab)考试,该考生不在北京,大部分实验是远程Telnet做实验. 亚威CCIE实验室又有一名学员通过CCIE考试,
5. lab:the lead-acid battery; 铅酸蓄电池
6. lab:the lactic acid bacteria; 乳酸菌
7. lab:sodium linear alkyl benzenesolfonate; 直链烷基苯磺酸钠
8. lab:liner alkyl benzene; 直链烷基苯
1. 同laboratory
A lab is the same as a laboratory .
2. (英国)工党
In Britain, Lab is the written abbreviation for (书面缩略=) Labour.
e.g. ...David Blunkett, MP for Sheffield (Lab).
1. Gasquet said he had a hair sample tested by an independent lab " which showed no trace of cocaine ".
2. BEIJING - A leading Chinese medical expert is facing accusations of scientific misconduct and has had his research lab closed by a Canadian heart institute.
3. His family had just moved into a beautiful colonial house in Cambridge and invited everyone working in his lab over for a party.
4. Grabbing handles on one side of the capsule which was colored khaki to signal " ground ", he quickly made his way into the space lab module.
5. The Oak Ridge Lab's carbon dioxide information analysis center will play a key role.
6. The space agency hopes to get funding for a third and final flight next summer, to restock the orbiting lab in case the commercial launch companies fall behind.
7. Mackey cautioned that the study was done in a controlled lab environment, and it did not look at the differences between chronic and acute pain.
8. The IOC reanalyzed a total of 948 samples from Beijing after new lab tests for CERA and insulin became available following the Olympics.
9. After the lab examination, the sperm is frozen and given a code number while it awaits an HIV check.
10. lab
10. Lab tests showed that the human version regulated more than 100 other genes differently from the chimp version.
1. a workplace for the conduct of scientific research
Synonym: laboratory research lab research laboratory science lab science laboratory