1. 产前阵痛:一队全副武装的苏联士兵开着伪装的军车进入遥远的沙漠,搜寻一项物品,而他们挟持的不是别人,正是2008年6月16日,洛杉矶,近日(6月12日),电影<<产前阵痛>>(Labor Pains)在Encino公园热拍.
2. 阵痛:今年21岁的林赛日前被拍到她为电影<<产前阵痛>>(Labor Pains)做前期准备. 这部影片目前正在加利福尼亚的伍德兰山(Woodland Hill)进行拍摄.
3. 创业的艰难:labor of love 情愿工作 | labor pains 创业的艰难 | Labor Party 工党
4. 伸张正义:21 7 The Taxicab Wars 计程车大战 | 22 8 Labor Pains 伸张正义 | 23 9 There's Always a Catch 渔乡伏暴
1. Early labor pains are often a false alarm, the association says.
2. Mothers can also expect to have their hospital stays cut short by a few days to make way for those with new labor pains.
3. As the economy evolves and enterprises'demand for technical expertise increases, new growing pains in China's labor market are emerging.
4. Her doctor smiled and said a woman's labor pains were easily erased by the joy of motherhood.
5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
5. Women who were passing by noticed Chen was experiencing labor pains and asked her husband to rush to a hospital and get a doctor.
6. She didn't call an ambulance until her labor pains became unbearable.
7. They hired two motorcycle taxis but Guo experienced major labor pains and they got off.
8. The woman was waiting at a bus stop with her husband when she suddenly felt labor pains.
labor pains在线翻译
1. a regularly recurrent spasm of pain that is characteristic of childbirth
Synonym: birth pangs labour pains