
laborer ['leɪbərə]  [ˈlebərɚ] 


laborer 基本解释


名词体力劳动者,工人; (熟练工人的)辅助工

laborer 反义词



laborer 网络解释

1. 劳动者:画面中部显示的劳动者(Laborer)的个数决定了生产力的总水平,它不仅与人口有关,还与科技、城市改进、奇迹的创造都有密不可分的联系. 1个人物头像将消耗掉2个食物(不管是不是劳动者),当生产出的粮食数量高出需求时,多余的粮食会被储备起来,

2. 工人:在游戏中其次是工人(laborer). 使用他时要考虑到搬运工的状况,注意在建筑时一次不要过多,因为道路必须联到建筑物时,搬运工才能将建筑用的木料、石材运到. 建筑时最好分开建设,如左边房屋道路铺好后,再开始建筑右边的道路,

3. 壮工:electrician--电工 | laborer--壮工 | maintenance engineer--维修工程师

laborer 词典解释

1. -> see labourer

laborer 单语例句

1. A rural laborer losing his physical capacity to work in the prime of life can be a calamity for his family.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Especially interesting are problems that calculate how efficient a laborer was by how many logs he carried or how many sandals he could make.

3. The sum was increased to 500 Canadian dollars in 1903, equivalent to two years'wages of an ordinary Chinese laborer at that time.

4. Kang evaded detection for almost two decades by working as a casual laborer in Guangdong and as a painter at a toy factory.

5. Cherry is a mentally handicapped woman who is happily married to the hard working Ge Wang - a dedicated laborer with a pronounced limp.

6. A foreman in Ruicheng kiln was sentenced to three years for hiring and forcing a child laborer to work overtime without pay.

7. She worked as a migrant laborer for the following two years, until a friend introduced her to the world of animal trainers in a local circus.

8. laborer的翻译

8. His laborer father and cleaner mother recognized him on TV only when he was introduced while mounting the podium to receive his gold medal.

9. A laborer on the assembly line of a cotton yarn company in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province.

10. The laborer either signs a contract with a qualified labor service agency or a contract engineering firm which has won an overseas project.

laborer 英英释义



1. someone who works with their hands
    someone engaged in manual labor

    Synonym: manual laborer labourer jack