labour power

labour power [ˈleibə ˈpauə]  [ˈlebɚ ˈpaʊɚ] 

labour power 基本解释
labour power 网络解释


1. 劳动力:在新华字典中,劳务(services)的解释是指不以实物形式而以劳动形式为他人提供某种效用的活动;在<<政治经济学>>课本中,劳动力(labour power)的解释是人的劳动能力,蕴藏在人体中的脑力和体力的总和.

2. 人力:labour only subcontractor ==> 只承包合同劳动的分包商 | labour power ==> 人力 | labour productivity ==> 劳动生产率

labour power 单语例句

1. labour power的近义词

1. Civil servants in these departments can be criminally charged for abuse of power or dereliction of duty in handling child labour cases.

2. The slip in Labour's lead could loosen Blair's grip on power and prompt calls for him to step down before serving out a full term.

3. The Labour Party rejected calls on Tuesday for a leadership election that could have threatened Brown's grip on power.

4. But the government argues that unemployment among the young is a structural problem and has been rising since 2008 when Labour was still in power.


5. The Queen's Speech comes against the gloomiest backdrop since Labour came to power under Tony Blair in 1997.

6. Opinion polls give Cameron's Tories a substantial lead over Brown's Labour Party, which has been in power since 1997.

7. Labour Party leader Ed Miliband says Murdoch had " too much power " in Britain and his share of British media ownership should be reduced.