labour union

labour union [ˈleibə ˈju:njən]  [ˈlebɚ ˈjunjən] 

labour union 基本解释


labour union 网络解释

1. 工会:你说的应该不是现实当中的工会组织==>>工会(labour union)是工人阶级的群众组织,是在无产阶级和资产阶级的斗争过程中产生和发展起来的. 工会是同资产阶级对立的,是反映工人阶级利益的,工人们在反抗资本家压迫和剥削的斗争中,

2. 工会;职工会:labour intensive 劳力密集 | labour union 工会;职工会 | laissez faire 自由放任

3. 劳动工会:labour trouble 劳资纠纷 | labour union 劳动工会 | Lack 缺乏

4. 劳工会:labourer:劳工 | labour union:劳工会 | labour movement:工人运动

labour union 单语例句

1. Bollywood's biggest labour union said last week that its members would refuse to work in Australia until attacks on Indian students ceased.

2. labour union的近义词

2. Lu quips that the national labour union complained about the low ranking of " workers ", whereas senior officials were uncomfortable at occupying first place.

3. The purpose of a trade union is not to intensify labour disputes, but to stabilize and smooth the relationship.

4. labour union在线翻译

4. In this context, the federation of Chongqing's labour union has set a good example for its counterparts.

5. A construction industry union official said the parties will meet with Commissioner for Labour Cherry Tse for help this morning.

6. Britain's GMB trade union is pressing Tony Blair's ruling Labour Party to force LBO firms to disclose more about their activities.

7. labour union

7. Union lawyers are studying the judgment to determine the rationale for the judgment in overturning the Labour Tribunal's award.

8. In July, the labour union at Ssangyong waged a strike against the deal with SAIC.

9. They increased spending on public services such as health and education, while fighting their party's labour union allies to impose reforms.

10. The union also called for the Labour Department to monitor the issue.