
labrum ['leɪbrəm]  ['leɪbrəm] 



labrum 基本解释



labrum 网络解释


1. 上唇:蚂蚁的口器是标准的咀嚼式口器,上唇 (Labrum)、大颚 (Mandible)、小颚 (Maxilla)及下唇 (Labium)等组成部份常为分类上重要的特征. 而上咽头与下咽头则较少被利用为分类特征,口器的触须型式 (Palp formula;PF) 与大颚齿突型式则是非常重要的特征.

2. 唇:口器由上唇(labrum)、上颚(mandible)、舌(hypopharynx)、下颚(maxilla)及下唇(labium)所组成. 上颚具有小齿,为咀嚼或穿刺的利器. 舌有唾液管的开口. 下颚及下唇又各具分节的附肢,分别称为下颚须(maxillary palp)或称触须和下唇须(labial palp).

3. 昆虫上唇:labroid 咽颌类鱼的 | labrum 昆虫上唇 | Labuan 纳闽岛

4. 上唇;下口;壳口外缘;唇:曼氏拟隆鲷 Labroipsis manabei | 上唇;下口;壳口外缘;唇 labrum | 关节唇;节窝唇 labrum glenoidale

labrum 单语例句

1. The arthroscopic procedure to repair a torn labrum was performed in Los Angeles, the Lakers said in a statement.

2. labrum的反义词

2. Nelson tore the labrum in his right shoulder in a game against Dallas on Feb 2 and had surgery on February 19.

3. Several hoops run up the auricles of his ears, and a lip ring adorns his labrum.

4. Rodriguez has recovering from March 9 arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn labrum in his right hip.

5. labrum在线翻译

5. He had an inflamed bursa removed and a frayed labrum trimmed in his shoulder during the operation.